heise+ | Webservices programmieren in Go: Daten prüfen und speichern, Passwörter hashen
Nie sollte ein Backend ungeprüft Daten von einem Client verarbeiten und speichern. Die Techniken dafür sind nicht schwierig zu erlernen.
heise+ | Webservices programmieren in Go: Daten prüfen und speichern, Passwörter hashen
Nie sollte ein Backend ungeprüft Daten von einem Client verarbeiten und speichern. Die Techniken dafür sind nicht schwierig zu erlernen.
heise+ | Webservices in Go programmieren
Mit SQLite speichern Sie Daten in einer Datenbank, die einen Neustart überstehen. Außerdem erfahren Sie etwas über zeitgesteuertes Ausführen von Funktionen.
Wie niedlich: Du programmierst ernsthaft in dieser Programmiersprache?
Wer in Visual Basic programmiert, wird gerne belächelt, immerhin sei Basic eine "schlechte" Programmiersprache. Warum ist das eigentlich so und was ist da dran?
heise+ | Programmieren in Go: Wie man Webservices schreibt
Mit Go entstehen Backends für Webanwendungen. In der Sprache enthalten ist: ein kurzer Trip zu Endpunkten, Multiplexern, Servern, Goroutinen und Channels.
8 reasons developers love Go—and 8 reasons they don't - In 2007, some of the programmers at Google looked at their options for writing softwar... - https://www.infoworld.com/article/3715712/8-reasons-developers-love-goand-8-reasons-they-dont.html#tk.rss_all #programminglanguages #softwaredevelopment #technologyindustry #googlego
BatBadBut: Kritische Befehlsschmuggel-Lücke in Windows etwa in Rust
BatBadBut heißt eine kritische Befehlsschmuggel-Lücke, die mehrere Programmiersprachen unter Windows betrifft. Abhilfe ist schwer.
Go language shines for AI-powered workloads, survey says - The Go programming language is viewed by developers who build AI-powered applications ... - https://www.infoworld.com/article/3715200/go-language-shines-for-ai-powered-workloads-survey-says.html#tk.rss_all #artificialintelligence #softwaredevelopment #generativeai #googlego #python
JetBrains IDEs add AI-powered code autocompletion - JetBrains is add full-line code autocompletion to its family of IDEs (integrated devel... - https://www.infoworld.com/article/3715022/jetbrains-ides-add-ai-powered-code-autocompletion.html#tk.rss_all #integrateddevelopmentenvironments #developmenttools #generativeai #javascript #typescript #googlego #python #kotlin #java #ruby #rust
Fast-growing Zig tops Stack Overflow survey for highest-paid programming language - Zig has topped an annual Stack Overflow survey in the category of highest-paid program... - https://www.infoworld.com/article/3713082/fast-growing-zig-tops-stack-overflow-survey-for-highest-paid-programming-language.html#tk.rss_all #programminglanguages #softwaredevelopment #clanguage #googlego #python #ruby #rust #sql
Go language hits top 10 in the Tiobe index - Google’s Go language, or golang, has reached its highest position ever in the Tiobe la... - https://www.infoworld.com/article/3712690/go-language-hits-top-10-in-the-tiobe-index.html#tk.rss_all #softwaredevelopment #googlego #python #java
Go language fixes for loop issue - Google’s Go (golang) language has reached version 1.22, bringing changes to for loops ... - https://www.infoworld.com/article/3712844/go-language-fixes-for-loop-issue.html#tk.rss_all #programminglanguages #softwaredevelopment #googlego
What’s the Go language really good for? - During its dozen-plus years in the wild, Google’s Go programming language has evolved ... - https://www.infoworld.com/article/3198928/whats-the-go-language-really-good-for.html#tk.rss_all #programminglanguages #softwaredevelopment #developmenttools #googlego
Golang vulnerability checker flags Go vulnerabilities - Govulncheck, a command-line tool to help users of Google’s Go programming language fin... - https://www.infoworld.com/article/3702633/golang-vulnerability-checker-flags-go-vulnerabilities.html#tk.rss_all #programminglanguages #applicationsecurity #softwaredevelopment #developmenttools #googlego
Biggest Golang challenges are error handling and learning, Go developers say - The lack of generics used to be the biggest challenge to using Go, according to the an... - https://www.infoworld.com/article/3696357/biggest-golang-challenges-are-error-handling-and-learning-go-developers-say.html#tk.rss_all #programminglanguages #softwaredevelopment #googlego
GCC 13 compiler collection backs C++ 23, Go 1.18 - GNU Compiler Collection 13.1 has been released. Among the many improvements in this ma... - https://www.infoworld.com/article/3695071/gcc-13-compiler-collection-backs-c-plus-plus-23-go-118.html#tk.rss_all #softwaredevelopment #developmenttools #clanguage #googlego #c
Golang returns to the top 10 - Google’s Go language has re-entered the top 10 of the Tiobe index of programming langu... - https://www.infoworld.com/article/3689949/golang-returns-to-the-top-10.html#tk.rss_all #programminglanguages #softwaredevelopment #googlego
Go 1.20 previews profile-guided optimization - Go 1.20, an upgrade to the Google-developed open source language known for its simplic... - https://www.infoworld.com/article/3682674/go-1-20-previews-profile-guided-optimization.html#tk.rss_all #programminglanguages #softwaredevelopment #googlego
Golang previews profile-guided optimization - Go 1.20, a planned upgrade to the Google-developed open source language known for its ... - https://www.infoworld.com/article/3682674/golang-previews-profile-guided-optimization.html#tk.rss_all #programminglanguages #softwaredevelopment #googlego
Golang tutorial: Get started with the Go language - Go is an open source programming language from Google that makes it easy to build simp... - https://www.infoworld.com/article/3290470/go-tutorial-get-started-with-google-go.html#tk.rss_all #softwaredevelopment #googlego