AnungIkwe ᐊᓈᓐg ᐃᑴKate Millett: One of the Greatest Second Wave Feminists is Often Forgotten<br><br>Millett pioneered the term "Sexual Politics" and insisted that snuff films and child pornography existed. In retaliation, Time Magazine publicly outed her as a "bisexual" in 1970. She was frequently accused of being in bed with the far right because or her analysis of pornography and male sexual politics.<br><br>"Our bodies have been politicized, our desires commodified." - Kate Millett<br><br>"Sexual politics is about reclaiming our bodies and our desires." - Kate Millett<br><br>“Patriarchy, reformed or unreformed, is patriarchy still: its worst abuses purged or foresworn, it might actually be more stable and secure than before.” - Kate Millett<br><br>"The revolution starts in the bedroom." - Kate Millett<br><br>“If knowledge is power, power is also knowledge, and a large factor in their subordinate position is the fairly systematic ignorance patriarchy imposes upon women.” - Kate Millett<br><br>"Empower Your Mind Anywhere Anytime." - Kate Millett<br><br>“Coitus can scarcely be said to take place in a vacuum; although of itself it appears a biological and physical activity, it is set so deeply within the larger context of human affairs that it serves as a charged microcosm of the variety of attitudes and values to which culture subscribes. Among other things, it may serve as a model of sexual politics on an individual or personal plane.” - Kate Millett<br><br>"Sexual liberation is a revolutionary act." - Kate Millett<br><br>“However muted its present appearance may be, sexual dominion obtains nevertheless as perhaps the most pervasive ideology of our culture and provides its most fundamental concept of power.” - Kate Millett<br><br>"Pleasure is a radical act in a repressive society." - Kate Millett<br><br>“Under patriarchy the female did not herself develop the symbols by which she is described. as.” - Kate Millett<br><br>“It is interesting that many women do not recognize themselves as discriminated against; no better proof could be found of the totality of their conditioning.”<br>- Kate Millett<br><br>"Love should not be a battlefield, but a sanctuary." - Kate Millett<br><br>"Sexual violence is a tool of control, not a form of pleasure." - Kate Millett<br><br>"Consent is sexy, coercion is not." - Kate Millett<br><br>"Gender is a performance, sexuality is a spectrum." - Kate Millett<br><br>The personal is political, especially when it comes to sex." - Kate Millett<br><br>"Bodies are not objects, they are vessels of pleasure and power." - Kate Millett<br><br>"The politics of pleasure is the ultimate resistance." - Kate Millett<br><br>"Shame is the weapon of the oppressor, love is the weapon of the rebel." - Kate Millett<br><br>5 Key Lessons From Sexual Politics<br>1. The book Sexual Politics by Kate Millett explores the intersection of sex, gender, and power in society, offering a critical analysis of how patriarchal power structures have historically shaped and constrained women's sexuality.<br>2. Millett argues that traditional gender norms and expectations often lead to the objectification and marginalization of women, limiting their agency and autonomy in matters of sex and relationships.<br>3. The book challenges the idea that women's sexuality is inferior or subordinate to men's, calling for a reevaluation of societal norms and values that perpetuate inequality and discrimination.<br>4. Millett's work highlights the importance of feminist activism and advocacy in challenging and dismantling systems of oppression that restrict women's sexual freedom and self-determination.<br>5. Sexual Politics serves as a powerful and influential critique of the ways in which gendered power dynamics shape our understanding of sex and sexuality, urging readers to engage critically with issues of gender equality and social justice.<br><br>Sexual politics by Millett, Kate<br><a href="" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"></a><br><br><a class="hashtag" href="" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">#KateMillett</a> <a class="hashtag" href="" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">#LesbianHerstory</a> <a class="hashtag" href="" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">#RadicalFeminism</a> <a class="hashtag" href="" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">#RadFem</a> <a class="hashtag" href="" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">#Feminism</a> <a class="hashtag" href="" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">#Feminist</a> <a class="hashtag" href="" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">#WomynsHerstory</a>