tallshipThe border between British Columbia and Washington State is now closed - by regular Canadian citizens, and a Pastor rots away in solitary confinement as a political prisoner.<br><br>The communist regime of Trudeau has taken too long - it's too late, they've already been toppled, like a crowing rooster that has just had its head chopped off with an axe and is destined for the dinner plate... running around with blood furiously spurting out of it's neck.<br><br>Getting back to the truckers now - you know, those noble, and quite often solitary people that labor to ensure you have diapers, hot dog buns, dead cow, beans, and Apple Airtags on the shelves at your local store?<br><br>Well the truckers are doing just fine. <a class="hashtag" href="https://pleroma.cloud/tag/givesendgo" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">#GiveSendGo</a> has issued a press release informing the communist regime of Canada that they're not subject to their jurisdiction, and all funds received are and will continue to be distributed to the Canadian Freedom Convoy.<br><br>I urge folks to give with crypto instead, and I've posted links a couple of times already for that so feel free to scroll back through.<br><br>The movement has already spread as far away from North America as Romania, another champion nation of historic civil unrest, where convoys are underway, and tyrannical governments should be aware that if the level of this global movement's terms are not met, and soon, that a general strike of the world's truckers means empty shelves within a week, and no gas at the pumps within another - shutting society down completely and forcing a hard reset.<br><br>Most people I know are already prepared for this (California is earthquake county - it seems every other PSA on television is about earhquake preparedness).<br><br>I don't think governments really want us to rescind our consent to be governed, and if the Romanian truckers shut everything down there, I think the politicians remember all too well how the citizenry there disposed of Nicolae and Elena Ceausescu.<br><br>Ironically you could say that the spark that ignited that revolution began at the Red Flag Truck Company, and when the government didn't appease the workers it spread elsewhere to the Tractorul Brașov factory - somewhat analogous to the juncture that the Trudeau government finds itself in at this moment, with the exact same parallels of fake news now that the state owned media attempted to propagandize the citizenry with back then.<br><br>But it gets better... Oh it gets much better...<br><br>I'm sure many of you have already seen the videos pleading for the release of the Canadian pastor that <a class="hashtag" href="https://pleroma.cloud/tag/justinian_trudeau" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">#Justinian_Trudeau</a> imprisoned a couple of days ago. Solitary confinement.<br><br>No? Well here's the skinny on his internment as a political prisoner at the hands of the Canadian police: <a href="https://freepastorart.com" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">https://freepastorart.com</a><br><br>Does this spell the end of the communist <a class="hashtag" href="https://pleroma.cloud/tag/trudeau" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">#Trudeau</a> regime? Well... looking back again, the debasement of Pastor László Tőkés certainly did for Nicolae and Elena Ceaușescu, lolz.<br><br>I love Christmas. it's such a wonderful time of the year, perhaps the best day of the year, World War III ended on Christmas Day in 1991 and exactly two years before that, the people of Romania were liberated on Christmas Day - Like László Tőkés under Nicolae Ceaușescu and now Artur Pawlowski under "Justinian Trudeau", both pastors were born and grew up behind the <a class="hashtag" href="https://pleroma.cloud/tag/iron_curtain" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">#Iron_Curtain</a>.<br><br> <br><br>Here in the good ole USA, however, the Convoy intiatives are taking on a much more organized, albeit less friendly genesis. That's especially bad for our current communist administration headed by Joe Brandon and his whore, Kamala Harris. They've both already committed crimes such as dereliction of duty, as well as other high crimes and misdemeanors are therefore subject to impeachment, followed by a trial in the US Senate.<br><br>Let's hope our communist in chief Joe Brandon doesn't press this so far that American Truckers are forced to shutdown the country.<br><br>Whereas the racist bolsheviks of BLM were coddled by these communists and the murderous riots they participated in were cheered, endeared, and actively encouraged by <a class="hashtag" href="https://pleroma.cloud/tag/brandon" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">#Brandon</a>, Harris, others in his party, and certainly Trudeau in Canada - let alone the news media that even now insists on spewing fake news and parroting these communist narrative talking points... laughable at this point, because everyone in the world is watching all of this unfold, unedited, in real time.<br><br>We only turn to the news to see just how blatant the lies are by the news agencies that have bedded down with the Brandon's and Trudeau's. Or should I say, the mainstream "ministries of propaganda?<br><br>Let's take a little stroll through history. Protests like these, that continue unabated, only intensify - when this happens the number of demands increase (again, ask Nicolae Ceausescu, he could have shut everything down simply by appeasing his nations protests when it all started; instead, he decided upon crushing his fellow citizens with an iron fist).<br><br>At this time, there are already mumblings, not by the Canadian truckers themselves, but the average joe and jane schmoe citizenry that are coming out of their houses in support of the <a class="hashtag" href="https://pleroma.cloud/tag/freedom_convoy" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">#Freedom_Convoy</a> - some folks (and indeed, MPs in his own party) are calling for Trudeau's resignation. This will only intensify if he doesn't concede... and soon.<br><br>What about the USA? Well Joe Brandon is trying to do the same thing that the president of Argentina did with the Malvinas (The Falkland Islands), pull a little sleight of hand parlor magic redirection: Make his people focus on the possibility of an impending war. That's always a great distraction.<br><br>Crime, border, inflation, fuel and food costs - now you see it, now you don't.<br><br>If he's not successful in getting Russia to engage in large scale hostilities with Ukraine, then his redirection trick will fail, and he will face the very real possibility of American truckers ramping up the pressure until there's not a single semi truck on any American highway at all, and if that happens... let's look at that more closely:<br><br>The National Union of Women's Suffrage Societies: The sacrifices and diabolical <br> brutality endured by the NUWSS was epic. When imprisoned for their peaceful demonstrations and handing out pamphlets supporting their right to vote, they engaged in hunger strikes and were subjected to rapes, beatings, and being force fed. Their efforts resulted in the passage of the 1918 Representation of the People Act. <br><br>------<br><br>Mahatma Gandhi's satyagrahi: through his nationwide campaign of civil disobedience, he broke the back of the mighty Brittish Empire. Turns out you can beat people all you want but if they still won't stand up and do your bidding then it is completely over for you - and all your woke, stupid fucking pronouns just became (was/were). India won its independence in 1947.<br><br>------<br><br>Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.: Do I really need to mention Dr. King? Really? If you don't know who this man who gave his life for the equality of all people was, and remains so alive in our spirit, then you've been living in a fucking cave for your entire life and cannot be reached.<br><br>------<br><br>Je suis un altermondialiste: 12 August 1999, Sheep farmer and cheesemaker José Bové "dismantles" a half built McDonalds under construction in Millau, France, with several dozen friends. They hand out pieces of the unfinished construction project to passersby in cars, to the horror of the onlooking "McDo" folks invested in the business.<br><br>Why? Because the <a class="hashtag" href="https://pleroma.cloud/tag/wto" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">#WTO</a> said that the United States has the right to ram bovines hopped up on hormones down the throats of the people of Europe, and as punishment for this defiance, you will now be tariffed, and exceedingly so. i.e., You don't get to export your Roquefort cheese to the American market.<br><br>About 50,000 people from all over the world showed up for his trial, arriving to court in regal style atop an ox cart. And this wasn't his first non-violent criminal dance either - a decade earlier he destroyed a silo of Monsanto patented corn. Since we're talking about convoys, it should be mentioned that the parade of tractors that escorted him to prison for his comedic vandalism was substantial.<br><br>The end result of his actions? Only two European countries grow <a class="hashtag" href="https://pleroma.cloud/tag/gmo" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">#GMO</a> crops (Portugal and Spain) to this day, and he spent a decade as a member of the European Parliament.<br><br>-----<br><br>This next one I mention only due to the similarities to the current Canadian Freedom Convoy, as well as a cautionary note of it's brutal dissimilarities... <br><br>Eric Drouet's gilet jaune: 17 November 2018 - 300,000 French citizens work in unison and abruptly implement blockades bringing traffic to a halt nationwide...Does this sound familiar? Fuck it, let's do this - Every one of these people were a minority fringe group of misogynistic Nazi racists, just like Justin Trudeau, the CBN, MSNBC, and CNN say the Canadian Freedom Convoy supporters are.<br><br>Yeah that's right, fully half the nation of France displaying yellow vests, many of them reading, "Macron, regarde ta Rolex, c'est l'heure de la révolte!" Check your watch Trudeau, check your watch Biden, it's that time.<br><br>Due to the brutal nature of the French police, several people have lost their eyes and hands, among numerous other injuries, including an 81 year old woman that was murdered by the cops when a grenade blew up in her lap.<br><br>-----<br><br>Let's sum this all up, k?<br><br>Unlike the Yellow Vest movement in France, it doesn't have to come to violence with the truckers. All they really have to do is simply go home, turn off their alarm clocks and sleep in, or hang out on their couches and play video games in their underwear.<br><br>In one or two weeks, the government will concede anything they demand, begging them to return to the road.<br><br>⛵<br><a href="https://pleroma.cloud/media/b4eac2e2d16e9964a7dfafe7e765354326f3e910585ed0f36672105317f0735a.jpg?name=canada-bc_us_border_closed.jpg" class="" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">canada-bc_us_border_closed.jpg…</a><br><a href="https://pleroma.cloud/media/97213b5a0fe656ebfa9baffe70e864650aed2a40af8ad18fc719bcc5139b5cf0.jpg?name=canada-osoyoos_bc_border-closed.jpg" class="" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">canada-osoyoos_bc_border-closed…</a><br><a href="https://pleroma.cloud/media/90278d044d90b655cc7be884d4c40fdc505ffc45e2bd8ae121bc35697753aa1d.jpg?name=canada-checkpoint_charlie-bc-closed.jpg" class="" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">canada-checkpoint_charlie-bc-cl…</a>