Linux-Multimedia-Framework Pipewire 1.4: MIDI 2 und neue Audiocodecs
Pipewire 1.4 geht als Soundserver für Linux mit einer erweiterten JACK-API und MIDI 2 auf Anforderungen zur Musikproduktion ein und enthält neue Codecs.
Linux-Multimedia-Framework Pipewire 1.4: MIDI 2 und neue Audiocodecs
Pipewire 1.4 geht als Soundserver für Linux mit einer erweiterten JACK-API und MIDI 2 auf Anforderungen zur Musikproduktion ein und enthält neue Codecs.
Neues Podcast-Festival mit "c't uplink" und "kurz informiert"
Die deutsche Audio-Branche bekommt ein neues Festivalformat: Bei "Leipzig lauscht" am 15. und 16. März 2025 sind auch zwei heise-Formate vertreten.
Today I broke an #accessibility feature on my site, and turned off #audio for UK users.
Everyone else can listen as usual. UK users cannot.
You can still read the text. But you can't hear the #accessible version.
This is the Online Safety Act:
Pls share
PodcastPlugins is a set of Free and Open-Source speech-enhancement audio plugins for podcasters.
vst + vst3 + clap + LV2 + AU
Linux + macOS + Windows
Enjoy :)
Huge thanks to @falktx <3
@x42 @magnetophon @jkdb
Supported by @PrototypeFund
Why Are Cassette and CD Players So Big Now? - The early 2000s were the halcyon days of physical media. While not as svelte as MP... - #audiocassette #musicalhacks #compactdisk #bluetooth #cassette #cdplayer #tapedeck #battery #stereo #audio #music #tape #car #cds
How Noise-Cancelling Headphones Work—and Why You’ll Never Go Back
Got my new song “unstable” uploaded. Emotionally charged sign of the times. Had to release some of that angst. Freaky stuff going on. #music #guitar #recording #audio #cptsd #mentalhealth #politics
But, what if someone created a template that everyone could use? What if all a SFZ creator had to do was append this template to the top of the SFZ text file that the instrument creator defined? What if this template not only made the SFZ instrument MIDI CC capabile, but also provided GUI controls to the Sforzando or Sfizz plugin? Wouldn't this make SFZ more expressive?
#MusicProduction #LinuxAudio #WindowsAudio #MacAudio #Music #Samplers #Audio
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If when creating new instruments in SFZ format, the creator of the instrument doesn't know how to add the needed information to make the SFZ file capable of expression, then the instrument remains unexpressive...lifeless. This is not the fault of the SFZ, but because the creator doesn't have the programming skills.
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There is one drawback that people complain about with SFZ, and today I want to share a discovery I have made that resolves this one problem. Most SFZ instruments are unexpressive. This is not because of the format itself, but rather it is because of the difficulty of adding MIDI CC information into the SFZ instrument file.
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SFZ has many advantages for future-proofing:
* There are many available SFZ parsers--most of which are open source
* There are many sets of tools for editing and creating SFZ files
* The Samples themselves are available
* SFZ can be imported into many samplers
#MusicProduction #LinuxAudio #WindowsAudio #MacAudio #Music #Samplers #Audio
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After those things, the format itself is the most important. I believe the most useful format for long term storage is: SFZ.
Back in 2023, I laid out my arguments for SFZ in a thread at KVRAudio:
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Now honestly, when it comes right down to it, the most important thing for your sample collection are the samples. The second most important thing is having each sample properly looped and labeled with useful information on what the sample is and what it is to be used for.
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I did some searching and spoke with Jürgen, developer of ConvertWithMoss, and found a handful of sample formats that keep the samples open and available:
TAL Sampler, TX16w, Akai Keygroups, also Bitwig Multisamples and DecentSampler, along with SFZ.
These are among the best formats for keeping a long term sample collection.
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Also, some formats, even if they do have the ability to include stereo samples, end up summing them to mono--for example, Soundfonts (sf2). Furthermore, sf2 doesn't allow for round-robins, and other nice essentials. So, I one can safely rule out sf2 as the ideal format.
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For example, monolithic formats don't give easy access to the samples. One doesn't want to be stuck with the inability to access the samples, or else the sample collection is useless. So formats that exclusively use monolithic formats are not appropriate.
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I've done a lot of thinking, and believe I have determined the best format for future-proofing your sample collection. Obviously, the original sampler format that the samples were created for would be best, but that's not always possible.
#MusicProduction #LinuxAudio #WindowsAudio #MacAudio #Music #Samplers #Audio
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There are several open sampler formats. By open, I don't mean open source, but rather, that that the specs are open so that users can create tools to work with the formats. For example, Jürgen Moßgraber's priceless open source tool: ConvertWithMoss
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Copying Commodore Data Tapes, 40 Years Late - Unless you handle the backups for a large corporation, bank, or government entity,... - #retrocomputing #datastorage #commodore #datasette #audio #hi-fi #tape
Bringing a Current Dumping Amplifier Back To Life - Over the years there have been many different audio amplifier designs which have f... - #currentdumpingamplifier #homeentertainmenthacks #tantalumcapacitor #audio