Up till 5:30 AM? Yikes!
I wasn't happy getting up at 7:30!
I stayed in the bed till 8:30 this morning. Figured I might as well.
We're going to have plenty of long summer Saturdays before we know it. Might as well rest on a rainy Saturday today.
@SweetIceTea @Bleukitty @DrFell now the truth come out that you're a slug.
Today - thus far - I've been a lazy, no-good slug.
But it's about to come to an end.
Kitchen duties are calling my name. I won't be able to put them off much longer.
@SweetIceTea @Bleukitty @DrFell well get your barefoot self to the kitchen and fulfill your destiny
I never knew that Chicken Enchiladas would turn out to be my destiny.
@Phil @Bleukitty @DrFell @SweetIceTea OMG I love inchiladas!
@Lino0876 @Phil @DrFell @SweetIceTea
I cheat and make an Enchilada Casserole, I still make my sauce.
@Bleukitty @Phil @DrFell @SweetIceTea Save me a plate.
I was actually thinking about making them soon, hubby's fav.
So I will...
@Bleukitty @Lino0876 @DrFell @SweetIceTea for the love of God make beef or pork enchiladas. Chicken. Is for insane people
@Phil @Lino0876 @DrFell @SweetIceTea
No way, José
@SweetIceTea @Phil @Bleukitty @DrFell Yeah yeah don't choke on your chicken ha ha ha ha ha ha!
@Phil @Bleukitty @DrFell @SweetIceTea Are you saying I'm insane in the membrain? #CypressHill