Almost, but that must be a conspiracy theory, right?
@icedquinn @Tashakitkat Because it's all from modified monocrops that require more fertilizers/pesticides/herbicides.
@icedquinn @Tashakitkat we'd be using more resilient strains if we didn't need the super high yield ones for mass animal farming
@icedquinn @Tashakitkat also if the US didn't disturb market prices and discourage local production in other countries with its subsidies
@mia@movsw.0x0.st @icedquinn@blob.cat @Tashakitkat@freeatlantis.com they should nuke the usa
@anemone @icedquinn @Tashakitkat we need more antimicrobial resistance so meat just becomes totally unsafe to produce at these volumes
@mia @icedquinn @Tashakitkat @anemone or we could just all stop eating meat
@vriska @icedquinn @Tashakitkat @anemone about as likely as america without television
@mia @icedquinn @Tashakitkat @anemone are you yourself vegetarian?
never happening
Food without pesticides is more expensive because bugs ate half of the crop before it was even harvested.