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Powering Blog:

"What to do now? First, it is now absolutely essential that Trump be elected president. The Democrats cannot be allowed to get away with this effort to turn America into a banana republic."

"Second, the Democrats understand nothing except the raw exercise of power. Therefore, Republican attorneys general and district attorneys should bring criminal charges against Democratic officeholders wherever possible. "


"No Democratic officeholder should be allowed to retire, in any jurisdiction with Republican law enforcement, without facing criminal charges. There can’t be a single Democratic official in America against whom a criminal case can’t be brought that is better than this case against Trump. It should be open season on Democrats in the criminal courts."


"Third, the criminal prosecutions should begin with Joe Biden. "

COMPLETELY RIGGED! A Manhattan jury stuffed with Trump-haters just handed down a guilty verdict—TOTAL DISGRACE! This sets a dangerous precedent, folks. If they can do this to your favorite President, they can do it to anyone. But we'll have the last laugh. We're taking back the White House and then it's game on—starting with Crooked Joe! They tried to stop us, but they can't stop the Trump Train. We're going to win SO BIG, they'll wish they never messed with us. Get ready, folks—justice is coming for THEM! #MAGA2024