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Pride month victim.
These two faggots need to be separated from life by what ever it takes.
I heard a hole in the dessert big enough so the head is still above ground is doing the trick pretty good. Maybe go back after two days and give them enough water so they make it another 2-3 days and repeat til they don’t drink no more.

I‘m sick of these stories.


straight people do the same thing, like female mothers leaving their kids in parking lots while they go shopping.

do you advise the same punishment for them?

@relentless_eduardo @Wyliesau
The point is gays shouldn't have the baby in the first place. Just like any crime committed by an illegal alien. Completely preventable and should be punished harder to discourage it from repeating.

@dj @Wyliesau

you're connecting the crime to being gay, which wyliesau did not do.
I don't see a lack of compassion or diligence associated with a sexual orientation. Drug addiction, alcoholism, yes, but not sexual orientation.

so really a lot of antigays are trying to conflate the issues.

@relentless_eduardo @Wyliesau
Those faggots should be grateful they are allowed to exist, they've abused that privilege and taken a baby's life. In your point of view you see them as victims instead of perpetrators. Are you gay, maybe that's why you are biased.

@dj @Wyliesau

" Are you gay, maybe that's why you are biased"

I disagreed with you and therefore I am gay.

You must be a professor of logic at harvard

@relentless_eduardo @dj

I just forgot to say, if you can’t procreate you don’t have the right to raise a child.
iRobot Roomba‘s should not raise children either.
But as i said earlier, it’s very nice of you to defend evil satanic faggots who should be thrown of a roof top.
Now fuck off for good, you have no place in my timeline you utter retard.

@thatguyoverthere @Wyliesau @dj

they also said an entire generation was raised by tv in the boomer days

@relentless_eduardo @Wyliesau @dj they weren't entirely wrong, but at least the tv was an obvious entertainment device and no one was really taking it too seriously. People actually believe the internet is real :eyes:

@Wyliesau @dj

does not take much to push these yokels off the edge

@relentless_eduardo @Wyliesau
>>>does not take much to push these yokels off the edge

@relentless_eduardo @dj

Your fucking month is almost over, go hide till next june

@Wyliesau @dj

better take your blood pressure meds
you're gettin overheated

@relentless_eduardo @dj

Oh i‘m totally calm, you don’t want to get me in rage mode i promise.
I just despise baby killer defenders. Normally i take them to the shed and give them a free tour of my woodchipper.

@Wyliesau @dj

oh, here's the woodchipper, you are making progress.
But you missed the point that I was not defending them. You are confusing the issue white wash your image and change it from what it really is. You don't care about the child.
The child is just an excuse for you to go on your hate faggot rant.

pretty obvious

@relentless_eduardo @dj

You‘d be the first to fly of the edge faggot.

PS and stay away from children.