Still just flat out lying.
@SweetIceTea @watson he is making shit up. There is no way to know if it saved lives or if it did how many or how many hospitalizations it prevented (and I doubt he is netting out the ones it caused).
And the idea that it was highly effective is absolute and obvious BS.
@Phil @watson
And while Fauci spouts that stuff Anderson Cooper just sits there with his blank, expressionless face.
Cooper's constant blank expression looks like he is loaded to the hilt with anti-depressants & anti-psychotics. With his traumatic childhood and satanic mom, could be a psychopath.
@Phil @watson
@CONSERVATARIAN @SweetIceTea @watson It's possible, but it's also possible that the blank expression is practiced. People who endure trauma often become very good at hiding their emotions, even from themselves.