Cybercriminals Exploit #CSS to Evade #Spam Filters and Track #Email Users' Actions

Cybercriminals Exploit #CSS to Evade #Spam Filters and Track #Email Users' Actions
Enjoy faster browsing with today’s fresh update!
A smarter, quicker address bar
Faster page loading
Turn emails into calendar events
New: Currency widget
New: Override Keyboard Shortcuts
And there's more:
Are you looking for European alternatives for email services, search engines, VPNs, file hosting, and more?
@european_alternatives provides an excellent list of options for European digital service and products.
Are you switching services?
#europe #email #privacy #sustainable
Fünf wirklich gute Alternativen zu Outlook und Thunderbird
Mail-Programme sind quicklebendig: c't 3003 hat fünf ungewöhnliche Mail-Clients getestet und mit den Standard-Programmen verglichen.
Das Landgericht München I hat kürzlich geurteilt, dass automatische Antwort-E-Mails, die von einer im Impressum angegebenen E-Mail-Adresse gesendet werden, rechtswidrig sein können.
Zum Artikel:
Domain registrar #Porkbun now offers #ProtonMail for custom domain emails
Landgerichtsurteil: Automatische Antwort-E-Mail kann rechtswidrig sein
Wer in einem Impressum eine E-Mail-Adresse angibt und auf Zuschriften dorthin nur per Auto-Reply antwortet, verstößt laut einem Gericht gegen Wettbewerbsregeln.
Only write your emails in ALL CAPS or only lowercase with no punctuation?
Celebrating one year of quantum-safe #encryption in #Tuta Mail & Tuta #Calendar
What are two security risks of sending confidential files via #email?
So, last night I finally took the last step and switchted my DNS entries to my own self hosted mail server (@mwl your book was really helpful - great work!)
But now I am back to my previous problem - which mail client to use on iOS and macOS - any suggestions fediverse? (boosts are quiet welcome)
#selfhosted #email #mailserver #ios #macos
A list of Digital Service Providers outside the jurisdiction of the United States of America.
This is a group project, so feel free to reach out if you have any suggestions, or learn any new information.
#Vpn #Email #Dns #Domain #Messenger #WebHosting #PasswordManager #WebSearch #UsJurisdiction #Project2025 #UnitedStates
#India: Your #email and #SocialMedia account can be accessed by income #tax officers starting financial year 2026-27 in these cases
Friday pro tip: If you don’t check your emails, they don’t exist until Monday.
Does the Response to OPM’s Latest Email Evidence a Turf War?
Agencies push back against Musk’s demand that employees report on their recent activities.
"The reaction to OPM’s #email reflects several possible dynamics emerging...
Reticence to work with #Musk & OPM remained on display after #OPM sent its second email...
The responses to the OPM emails may preview where rifts are likely to emerge."
Hey les Mastonotes auriez-vous des conseils/retour d'expériences sur les services d'#email #repecteux de la vie privée, qui ne va pas trop en SPAM chez les autres fournisseurs et compatible IMAP/SMTP ? Je suis prêt à payer pour cela pour info