If Germans own #Hitler - and we obviously do - then Americans definitely own #Trump .
Saying: "I didn't vote for him!" Is no longer enough. Now the question is: "Do you comply, or do you resist?"
The Germans who grew up after WWII also asked these questions to the generations of their parents and grandparents... and the latter often failed to have good answers.
The 1939 #Danzig Massacres
#Hitler invaded Poland to liberate 1.5 million ethnic #Germans from #Jewish #Bolshevik concentration camps.
#Appeasement reloaded: 1938 opferten #Großbritannien und #Frankreich die souveräne #Tschechoslowakei, um #Hitler zu befrieden, was bekanntlich fatal missglückte. Sieht so aus, als ob 2025 die #USA unter #Trump denselben Fehler begehen und #Putin die #Ukraine zum Fraß vorwerfen
History Extra Collection – Nazi Germany, Feb 2025
English | 124 pages | PDF | 118.6 MB
Bringing History to Life – The Third Reich Prepared for War 2025
English | 124 pages | True PDF | 38.5 MB
In 1933, Adolf Hitler seduced Germany with promises of a restoration of the Great German Empire. He allies w/Mussolini’s fascist Italy, Stalin’s communist Soviet Union & the military dictatorship in Japan.
Timely republishing of a rediscovered novel by a young English woman, Sally Carson, warning of the Nazi threat in 1920s and 1930s Germany.
In der #ARD setzt Sandra #Maischberger die medialen Alice- #Weidel-Festspiele fort. Im Streitgespräch mit der Populistin Sahra #Wagenknecht darf die #AfD -Chefin ihren gefährlichen #Hitler -Nonsens nochmal aufwärmen. Maischberger: „Adolf Hitler war ein Kommunist, woran machen Sie das fest?“
Oh look! He's advertising a UFC match using a #nazi as marketing hook! He's a #Nazis too!
"#UFC boss Dana White responds to a question about Bryce Mitchell's remarks on #Hitler ("Hitler was a good guy"): "For all of you that hate Bryce Mitchell, you get to see him, hopefully, get his ass whooped on global television...""
https://t.me/DDGeopolitics/137537 #ProSports is INHERENTLY #Fascists
"But in the cases of #Hitler or #Palpatine or #Trump, remember, they haven't just exploited #crisis as a reaction. They have manufactured the same crisis under which they have worked to take #authority. The crisis is intentional."
Imagine #Hitler having done that for #Mengele.
He would have been kept out of the #Nuremberg #tribunal? #Fauci
@icedquinn “They’re kicking out murderers and rapists who weren’t supposed to be here, just like #Hitler!”
"A recent eight-country survey of the US, UK, France, Austria, Germany, Poland, Hungary and Romania reported that significant proportions of 18- to 29-year-olds said they had not heard, or did not think they had heard, of the Holocaust. This figure was close to half – 46% – among young adults in France. The poll also found that 48% of Americans could not name a single concentration camp."
~ Clea Skopeliti
"This is an opportune moment to offer the sad observation that a significant chunk of the German Christian community fully or almost fully embraced the Nazi traditional values program in the early 1930s, and a similarly large chunk in our land today endorses the reactionary traditional values program of the state and new federal governments that I am speaking about."
~ David Gushee
#Hitler #Nazis #Christians #Trump #BishopBudde #Bonhoeffer #ChristianNationalism
"Bystanders who are not anti-LGBTQ+ zealots but are frightened of the state and its most aggressive partners – for example, in online spaces – will do what bystanders do. They will try not to get in the way, try not to attract negative attention, will keep quiet."
#Hitler #Nazis #Christians #Trump #BishopBudde #ChristianNationalism #authoritarianism
"Looking again at the Nazi years, we have much evidence that can help us think ahead to worst-case scenarios and scenarios just less than worst case.
We can anticipate that reactionary majority-church Christians will applaud all kinds of steps that could be taken to set back LGBTQ+ dignity and rights. Ater all, that’s what many of these groups have been pressing for over many years time."
#Hitler #Nazis #Christians #Trump #BishopBudde #ChristianNationalism #authoritarianism #LGBTQ