You could of course (if you’re culturally illiterate) argue that all of these things are just minor annoyances, but the tranny insanity has actually had far-reaching consequences, and has made us all less free: Tyrannical "hate speech" laws criminalizing wrongthink on the tranny issue/recognizing basic biological reality have propped up all over the West, and social media lynch mobs constantly try to ruin the lives of anyone who refuses to suck that feminine penis. To spare the feelings of a few subhuman freaks, EVERYONE is now supposed to constantly walk on eggshells. Oh, and every single “Based Tranny” I’ve seen on Fedi – people who hate on Biden, say the nigger word, post Nazi anime girls etc – has eventually shown his true colors and shown that he’s in reality no different from the SJW tranny lunatics you see other places. I remember seeing someone like Shebang going off on one of his friends, because the guy wasn’t a fan of children being put on Hormone replacement therapy.
And THAT’S what truly makes trannies irredeemable, Satanic monsters: they go after kids, aggressively and insistently, demanding the right to brainwash and corrupt them with impunity. Like other pedophile Groomers, they prey on vulnerable kids, try to isolate them from all potential adult protectors (especially their parents), and insist that their illicit relationship be kept a secret – at least until the child is ready to “Come out” as the other sex, the brainwashing and manipulation now being completed. Like other pedophile predators, trannies view Puberty as calamitous, and insist that brainwashed “trans children” be put on irreversible HRT, lying about there being no lasting negative consequences if the child later decides he’s not a tranny after all (as he almost surely will, absent constant reinforcement of the original Grooming/brainwashing). Misery loves company, so what trannies REALLY want is for children to undergo the surgery, so that they *won't* be able to escape the cult later on. I can’t do justice to just how little concern trannies show for the well-being of the actual children in question, how little it matters to them that child sex change surgery would ruin countless lives – this is only about bolstering their numbers and influence, spreading the social contagion, and they actively attack and harass any and all “traitors” who detransition.
And ultimately, if children aren’t made available to trannies for Grooming, they’d rather just see those children be murdered. Never forget that when the FtM tranny Audrey Hale slaughtered multiple children at Nashville Christian School, the tranny community was infinitely more concerned about the killer being “misgendered” than about their insane ideology and hateful anti-Christian rhetoric resulting in 6 people being killed. By that point I already hated all trannies and all tranny Enablers, but somehow these subhumans keep finding new ways to make me hate them even more, which is how I in just 10 years went from broadly sympathetic to advocating
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