#SaudiArabia Buys #PokémonGo, and Probably All of Your Location Data
#SaudiArabia Buys #PokémonGo, and Probably All of Your Location Data
Además, algunas cosas que me gustan (así, sin orden ni concierto):
#DoctorWho, #GoodOmens, #StarTrek, #Firefly, #JurassicPark, #TheCranberries, #Nightwish, #MitologíaNórdica, #Loki (tanto el mitológico como el de #Marvel), #Miniaturas, #Artesanía (especialmente #Cosmética, #Cuero y #Resina), #numismática, #Impresión3D, #acuariofilia …
Juego a #PokemonGo. #PokemonGoFriends: 0131 3999 8371 (Marino).
Pokémon Go Maker Niantic Sells Unit to Saudi Fund for $3.5 Billion - Scopely said it would buy Niantic’s video game business, which includes Pokémon Go, for $... - https://www.nytimes.com/2025/03/13/world/middleeast/pokemon-go-niantic-scopely-sale.html #mergersacquisitionsanddivestitures #publicinvestmentfund(saudiarabia) #pokemon(fictionalcharacters) #augmentedreality(computers) #computerandvideogames #pokemongo(videogame) #sovereignwealthfunds #unitedstates #saudiarabia
Pokémon Go has a new owner, Scopely, which is a subsidiary of a Saudi Arabian company called Savvy Games, which is itself owned by the Saudi government. @404mediaco's @jasonkoebler wonders what that might mean for the location data of the game's 100 million players. [Story may be paywalled.]
Niantic will "Pokémon Go" nach Saudi-Arabien verkaufen
Niantic will seine Spielesparte um "Pokémon Go" an die Firma Scopely verkaufen, hinter der der saudische Staatsfonds steht – für 3,5 Milliarden US-Dollar
Anyway, I sent an in-game safety issue report of this, announcing that I’d stop playing #PokemonGo if this goes through. Who knows, if enough people do that #Niantic will listen?
Asking the question if I still want to play a game that is owned by an authoritarian regime (among many other atrocities in the business of cutting up journalists) is really answering it, isn't it? CC @andrewstroehlein
And because we really can't have nice things, apparently Niantic is about to sell Pokémon Go to Scopely that is apparently a very shitty company based in Saudi Arabia.
My only hope is that The Pokémon Company vetoes this one way or the other.
#Niantic #PokémonGo #Scopely #MobileGaming
Bericht: Milliarden-Deal um "Pokémon Go"
"Pokémon Go" wurde gleich nach dem Start 2016 zum Hit. Die Entwicklerfirma könnte sich einem Bericht zufolge davon trennen und ein lukratives Geschäft machen.
Probably because I caught not one but two shiny Dialgas today.
#PokemonGo #Pokemon
RE: https://mastodon.social/users/levelbot/statuses/113904210047505767
Niantic uses Pokémon Go player data to build AI navigation system - Last week, Niantic announced plans to create an AI model for navigating th... - https://arstechnica.com/ai/2024/11/niantic-uses-pokemon-go-player-data-to-build-ai-navigation-system/ #visualpositioningsystem #largegeospatialmodel #largelanguagemodel #machinelearning #mobilegames #smartphones #videogames #pokemongo #aiethics #chatgpt #chatgtp #niantic #pokemon #biz #ai
Pokémon GOで入手済みのポケモン出身国と地域。
168/290(昭和基地に居たトレーナーからもらった子がいるので南極大陸が選べるアプリ設定にしたのですが、そのため分母が290になっています。「国と地域」は解釈が難しく、地図アプリ上で時々分母の数も変わります) #ポケモンGO #PokemonGO
Come on Zorua, you're not fooling anyone here...
#Pokémon #PokemonGo
#TGIQF: Das Nintendo-Quiz um Mario, Zelda und Co.
Nintendo wird 135: Wir blicken im Quiz zurück auf die Geschichte des Herstellers von Konsolen und Spielreihen, die bis heute Videospielgeschichte prägen.
Yeah! The Galar starters have arrived in Pokémon Go!!!!
They're my favorite starters. First, because Pokémon Shield is the first main Pokémon game I have ever played, so I'll always have a weak spot for them.
Also because, I think they're the only starters that are awesome at every stage of evolution.
All three little ones are really cute.
All three medium ones hilariously look like moody teenagers.
All three big ones are badass. (not mentioning the nods to James Bond and Gorillaz)
#Pokemon #PokemonGo
I keep forgetting to post my shinies, here's today's #ShinyPokemon #PokemonGo #Pokemon