A barn swallow hunting for flies at the beach.
I'm very happy with this picture b/c the tail is fully spread and its pattern is really visible.
A barn swallow hunting for flies at the beach.
I'm very happy with this picture b/c the tail is fully spread and its pattern is really visible.
More shots of American Oystercatcher drama from Breezy Point Tip.
A brown thrasher flying between perches in Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge.
A flying yellow-rumped warbler (butterbutt) with a fly in it's beak. Taken at Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge.
A sequence of a gannet diving off Breezy Point. These graceful birds hunt by plunging into the water and then swimming after the selected fish.
Some piping plover drama. These little shore birds have largely paired off and can be aggressive with each other.
Some shots of Northern Flickers in flight taken between the Pool and Harlem Hill in Central Park.
Some downy woodpecker drama (multiple pairs were looking for a spot to make a nest) in the Ramble.
A black capped chickadee launching itself while holding a seed. At Little Hellgate Salt Marsh on Randall's Island.
American Robin launch sequence. From mid-November when they were gorging on hawthorn berries.
A red-tailed hawk (Buteo jamaicensis) launching itself to go after a squirrel in Central Park.