Bookface Version 1.5 Released!
Bookface Version 1.5 Released!
Incredible news: Xeo, my variant of Simple Blog #theme for @lume #SSG by @misteroom is LIVE NOW on #Lume #themes gallery!!
Huge achievement for me, my life XP just went up at least 10K
Sending deep gratitude to Óscar for all the help and support conceiving and launching this
Includes customizable typography courtesy of #GoogleFonts
→ #WordPress Contributors and #Community Leaders Call for Governance Reform in Rare Open Letter
“We object to one person, Matt #Mullenweg, controlling all official infrastructure, including the project’s #website, #email systems, support #forums, #core, #plugin, and #theme repositories, #update systems, #security tools, #communication channels, and other technical assets.”
Call me old fashioned, but I like #browser themes from back in the day. On #Mozilla and #Firefox, some themes had different looks for the launch bar, tabs, various buttons, the status bar, and even the drop down menus. Some had dazzling colors and patterns. Nowadays, what passes for a browser #theme is slapping an image on the tab bar and calling it done. #BrowserThemes
So, I made my own #theme for my #MiyooMiniPlus and I decided to write about it. You should try doing your own as well!!
Made with #GIMP and #inkscape and love :P
This is day 53 of #100DaysToOffload and post 21 for #WeblogPoMo2024
My custom #theme for #OnionOs on my #MiyooMiniPlus is complete! Of course, following #Arcticons style!
@Hoss @Matty @SIC_Guy @William_The_Dragonborn @graf @coolboymew @nikiboo
Great #art #anim #fan #fanart #game #theme #character #meme !
Now... who is going to list all the characters and in order of appearance ?
User Beware: The Fine Line Between Content and Code - Everyone loves themes. Doesn’t matter if it’s a text editor or a smart display in ... - #softwarerepositories #currentevents #securityhacks #softwarehacks #featured #theme #kde
Just released my h4x0r theme on GitHub! It's a #retro #terminal-style #WordPress block #theme I built for my personal website.
Check it out:
I'm actually really liking this Cyberpunk-esque palette. #WordPress #theme
Frohes Neues: Auf GNU/ beginnt 2024 mit einem Knall!
Das neue Jahr läuten wir mit einem visuellen Relaunch unseres Blogs ein. Wir hoffen, dass wir euren Geschmack getroffen haben - und wünschen zum Jahreswechsel einen guten Rutsch.
#Relaunch #Theme #Bludit #GNU/ #Community #Linux #Linux
Schont eure Augen
Hell oder dunkel, Blaufilter oder nicht? Tipps zum Schonen der Augen am Bildschirmarbeitsplatz.
I want the KDE Plasma Breeze theme but with the normal icons for minimise and maximise. You know, the _ and the box.
CozyFish UI - Gitlab → voici la page Gitlab de mes fichiers custom CSS et thèmes pour Firefish
Les 2 ont été créés pour aller ensemble mais le custom CSS fonctionne normalement très bien avec les autres thèmes par défaut de Firefish (j'utilise les variables de couleurs dans le css)
Vous pouvez me conseiller, me réprimander parceque j'ai mal fait la page gitlab, contribuer (en rendant le code plus propre ou en ajoutant des fonctionnalités), ou partager si le projet vous plaiiit
#UiUx #UiDesign #Ui #Ux #CustomCSS #Firefish #UserExperience #CSS #Fediverse #Design #Theme #CustomTheme
Linkhub is now available as a #Jekyll theme!
Now, it's even easier than before to set it up using #GitHub Pages. Check the documentation for more details!
#githubpages #jekylltheme #theme #linktree #linkinbio #littlelink #linkstack #linktreealternatives
Hashtags to follow? #JukeboxFridayNight is one of many music themed # activities here.
Someone posts a #theme and folk add music video links with name of song and performer. JFN starts in New Zealand late afternoon and is picked up by other timezones later.
Catlover? Try #Caturday on Saturday where ever you are.
#Bookstodon or #books seems to be anywhen
Same with #Mosstodon
The #tag list is endless!
Byeolvit 기본 테마를 같이 즐겨요
#테마 #Theme