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@DianaSez Unfortunately he isn't.

On 23 June 2021, he was found dead due to an apparent suicide by hanging in his prison cell near Barcelona

@samuraikid How reliable is that info? More reliable than Epstein?

@DianaSez Well it's at least very intriguing McAfee case he made some statements saying he had terabytes of criminal information like probably epstein client list and more stored on hard-drives in an FL apartment, are you guessing what happened ?
The flat blow up kek to put it even more strange there was send an israeli team send there to "help" :0170:

my guess? Probably searching for intact hard-drives lefts

@samuraikid If I had thought you were bluffing I wouldn't have asked for confirmation.

Not to say that I would never do that to anyone, but not unless I was emotionally invested in the issue, which I am not re. McAfee.

@DianaSez I scramble in it before it's intriguing has I said

McAfee more one coincidence

@samuraikid No way to know if anything was or wasn't released, since the press is no longer the press, and really hasn't been for a century.

@samuraikid But, that might have been just an attempt at throwing them off, and he may have actually sent the info, but to the correct people. I guess maybe we'll find out when the dust settles.

@samuraikid If his stuff really was in that apartment, he wasn't very wise. But, as I remember, he wasn't.