1/2) *Natural cause deaths in adolescents increased 84% YoY in 2021 and peaking in July*
Why? And why did the CDC stop publishing updates to the data in July? No vaccine mandates until these questions are answered. https://twitter.com/balt__co/status/1485390240479158283
2/2) The timing seems to correlate with the release of a particular medical experiment.
FDA authorization for ages 16+ happened in April 2021...
SOURCE: cdc.gov
Data visualizations: https://t.co/dnTv1DossI
The public health establishment created this monster. They own it. Never forget. Never forgive.
With reported COVID-19 deaths excluded and assuming drug overdoses, alcohol, and homicide deaths continued in 2021 at a similar intensity as in 2020, there was still about 50,000 excess deaths in the 12 months ending Oct 2021 in the 18-64 age group. https://t.co/mXC6Zv8sqq
Remember all the “If it saves just one life” hand wringing from lockdown fanatics on all sides of aisle. They did this. https://twitter.com/HansMahncke/status/1486002928641097738
Maybe the adults in this publicity photo should be wearing duct tape masks ... https://twitter.com/Rasmussen_Poll/status/1486061715334864896
Boston father-of-two, 31, is removed from heart transplant list because he's not vaccinated https://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2022/01/25/without-notice-fda-revokes-monoclonal-antibody-treatments-for-covid-promote-difficult-to-find-pfizer-and-merck-pills-as-replacements/
Turn off volume completely.
Watch her expressions carefully a few times.
Guess what she's talking about.
Then turn up the volume and match her expressions to content of speech. https://twitter.com/rising_serpent/status/1486088455914405892
Fauci says children 6 months to 4 years will need 3 doses of the vaccine, the same vaccine that FDA wants Pfizer's help in redacting information on, and Biden's surgeon general wants tech to censor Joe Rogan for asking questions about it.
OPINION: Fauci, Feds tried to quash COVID lab leak origin theory -- protecting Chinese interests over American lives https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/fauci-covid-lab-leak-origin-theory-china-jason-chaffetz
Last week, the government gave over 2 billion taxpayer dollars to Pfizer for the distribution of COVID shots to developing countries.
Who voted on this?
1/4) Australian Media Places Blame for the Pandemic on Fauci.
This will be echoed World Wide.
Senior official told police that £70,000 payments did not breach the Bribery Act because they constituted 'innovative behaviour' https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2022/01/28/took-bribes-save-money-nhs-accused-officials-say/
REPORT: Fully-vaccinated, perfectly healthy, 35-year-old athlete suddenly drops dead on the field. Massive heart attack.
full story:
Kulldorff Deleted: Famed Epidemiologist and Early Opponent of Lockdowns Banned by LinkedIn
I find it disturbing the "vaccine" ads are the only pharmaceutical ads in U.S. history with *no* side effects warnings. That tells you everything you need to know about how "honest" they are. https://twitter.com/kylenabecker/status/1487253602959777794
Jump off the treadmill for a clear path to freedom. Agencies making it clear to us there is only one true pathway to getting and staying healthy. https://twitter.com/P_McCulloughMD/status/1487392721035739140
Here’s some SCIENCE for y’all:
The homeless population doesn’t mask ,distance, or vaccinate. Why haven’t they gone extinct from Covid? https://twitter.com/lavern_spicer/status/1487173452289167366
I want to show you all what the emotional toll these Covid policies are having on families. We had to leave my mom whose suffering from stage 4 pancreatic cancer all by herself at the entrance of the emergency room today. It all felt completely cruel and barbaric. https://twitter.com/cryptotraveler/status/1486763187315818508
Update from the Fargo, North Dakota masking study:
Two neighboring K-12 districts (same community) both with around 12,000 students Mask mandate
Masks optional (<5% masking)
Y axis= % of students positive for covid
Green vertical line: when went masks optional
Figure made w/@ifihadastick & @ordinrysprheros
I think it was @writingblock who said "Parents are legitimately asking what the benefits are for policies like masking" https://www.sfchronicle.com/opinion/openforum/article/Should-kids-wear-masks-in-schools-Maybe-not-16811908.php
Once the circle of medical freedom is violated and there is injection against one’s will, all circles become fractured.
1) Medical freedom autonomy over your body.
2) Social freedom family, school, employment, and church.
3) Economic freedom your livelihood https://www.americaoutloud.com/march-and-rally-for-unity-and-truth/
"This is corruption at the highest levels"
~ A 300% Increase in miscarriages after vax
~ A 300% increase in cancer after vax
~ And an incredible 1000% increase in neurological disease in air force pilots after vax.
The vax shills like to highlight when an outspoken critic of Covid “vaccines” dies after contracting Covid. What these ghouls DON’T highlight are circumstances leading to death: what therapeutics were denied; were they treated w remdesivir?
It’s a vulgar con. https://twitter.com/banishedprotein/status/1487430515443466243
Why won’t mask & vax zealots swallow their pride and admit they’ve been wrong? @andrewklavan explains:
“A shamed left doubles down on crazy.” https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-andrew-klavan-show/id1045171376?i=1000549342336
The study: “lockdowns have had little to no public health effects, they have imposed enormous economic and social costs where they have been adopted. In consequence, lockdown policies are ill-founded and should be rejected as a pandemic policy instrument.” https://twitter.com/adamhousley/status/1488749851449839616
ad against masking kids in schools https://t.co/6NEG8bc5f3
There was never a lockdown for elites, anywhere in the world, because they were never afraid of anything.
Restrictions, fear, mandates, and house arrest were always for commoners.
It’s time for everyone to come to terms with reality. https://twitter.com/ChristinaPushaw/status/1490455259126411266
Trudeau Surfaces, Tells Parliament the Recent Election Proves His COVID Policies Are Loved by the Canadian People, Ottawa Protestors Are “Not Who We Are” https://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2022/02/07/trudeau-surfaces-tells-parliament-the-recent-election-proves-his-covid-policies-are-loved-by-the-canadian-people-ottawa-protestors-are-not-who-we-are/
KYLE BECKER: Politicians *ignored* the damage they would do to people's lives as they rushed ahead with reckless, lawless and now-failed Covid measures.
Read this thread to get a small glimpse of the human wreckage they caused with their cruel & useless policies.
This is the most heart-breaking thread I've ever read Multiply this thread two to three times for all of those affected that AREN'T on Twitter. I'm sick and furious all at the same time. Sadly, only God will hold these evil tyrants accountable.