I facilitated an online workshop for @freetechproject tonight and it's the first time we tackled technology to fight #Covid (Co2 monitors, air purifiers, #HEPA, #CorsiRosenthal boxes, #NukitTempest, etc) as well as why this is important (what Covid is, how it spreads, etc) and the small (predominantly older) group was very open to the ideas, sincerely inquisitive about the topic, interested in reducing risk, aware of inclusion issues, and sensitive to my own experiences as carer for a partner disabled by Covid. I'm also realising that people genuinely refer to "Covid" in the past tense sometimes because they wrongly associate it with government policy, while at the same time they very clearly understand that #CovidIsNotOver. My point is, keep tackling the topic, and keep giving folks the benefit of the doubt -- humans are of course good at heart and state policies, and of course the establishment media, may very well indeed not, in fact, reflect people's actual concerns about Covid.