c't-Workshop: CI/CD mit GitLab
Der Workshop vermittelt Entwicklern den Umgang mit GitLabs CI-Funktionen: Sie lernen, Softwareprojekte effizient zu bauen, zu testen und zu veröffentlichen.
c't-Workshop: CI/CD mit GitLab
Der Workshop vermittelt Entwicklern den Umgang mit GitLabs CI-Funktionen: Sie lernen, Softwareprojekte effizient zu bauen, zu testen und zu veröffentlichen.
Last Call: professionellen Einsatz von Kubernetes in 4 Webinaren meistern
Übersicht und Sicherheit im Kubernetes-Cluster. Lernen Sie in 4 Webinaren vom 11.10. bis 3.11. Container-Techniken zu meistern, von Deployment bis Monitoring.
Referenced link: https://hackernoon.com/7-common-misconceptions-about-devops-metrics
Discuss on https://discu.eu/q/https://hackernoon.com/7-common-misconceptions-about-devops-metrics
Originally posted by HackerNoon | Learn Any Technology / @hackernoon@twitter.com: https://twitter.com/hackernoon/status/1602362696275460097#m
Metrics are crucial to DevOps and Continuous Delivery as part of the process of continuous improvement. However, you must balance collecting and displaying data - https://hackernoon.com/7-common-misconceptions-about-devops-metrics #devops #continuousdelivery
I can't remember if I did one of these back in April when I first joined.
I'm a longish in the tooth software professional who's moved from fairly senior roles back to coal face software development as a part time "last job before retiring".
On birdsite I've mostly tweeted about Software development and a lot of replies/boosts about
#software, #tdd, #continuousdelivery
Here so far it's mostly #politics, haven't found enough #software folks yet!/
Apple makes Xcode Cloud available to all developers - Enlarge / A Mac laptop running Xcode. (credit: Apple)
CUPERTIN... - https://arstechnica.com/?p=1859511 #continuousintegration #softwaredevelopment #continuousdelivery #xcodecloud #apple #ci/cd #xcode #tech #git