I've seen a lot of folks recently posting photos of their #monarchbutterfly caterpillar enclosures and most look like the enclosures are indoors.
This is a #PSA to help get the word out (please boost!):
Indoor raised #monarchs are more likely to develop and spread disease to wild populations, AND are significantly less likely to successfully fly south for the winter.
"Being exposed to an indoor environment with artificial light, constant temperature and top choice of milkweed provided by their captors they do not develop the environmental cues needed for pre-migratory behaviors."
Please please do your part to help boost populations the way nature intended, with planting milkweed and doing what you can to protect food sources monarchs need, fully outdoors. Plant #native (to your area) nectar sources and please spread the word to others so their efforts benefit the ones we're trying to save.
#monarch #monarchbutterflies #BloomScrolling #nativeplants #pollinators #pollinatorgarden #milkweed #nativegarden #gardening #wildflowers #wildflower #caterpillars