Hello new folks! I'm Sage Sharp and I'm excited to meet you. #introductions
I'm #ace, #Trans, #Nonbinary, #panromantic. I'm #polyam with two long-term partners, Jamey and Emily.
I work at @conservancy on @outreachy. Outreachy is a paid, remote #OpenSource #internship program. Outreachy is for people who face discrimination and systemic bias in the technology industry of the country they are living in.
I run #CodeOfConduct enforcement workshops through my business, Otter Tech: http://otter.technology/code-of-conduct-training/
I like to boost the following topics: #NaturePhotography, #Queer shitposts, anti-capitalist takes, # MutualAid. I'm white and I boost # BlackMastodon and # Indigineous voices.
I have several invisible #disability : anxiety, psoriasis, arthritis, food allergies, and other auto-immune disorders. You'll see me boost a lot of #disabled voices.
I like to take photos of #OceanPhotography, especially tidepool creatures. Some of my photos are attached. I love #nudibranch
I also boost #Mosstodon, #Florespondence, #bird, and #NaturePhotography
I'm a big #CriticalRole fan too. My favorite characters are: Vax'ildan (C1), Caleb and Caduceus (C2), Laudna and Ashton (C3).
You're welcome to say hello or follow!