#ADDICTION #DrugAddiction #bible #prayer #pray #inJesusname
If you are struggling with addiction & are at the end of your rope ... Seek GOD's help now & pray this prayer
#ADDICTION #DrugAddiction #bible #prayer #pray #inJesusname
If you are struggling with addiction & are at the end of your rope ... Seek GOD's help now & pray this prayer
The LORD GOD Almighty hears and answers the prayers of those, who reach out to HIM in humility and sincerity
#BodyOfChrist ~ where You live, you may be free to worship our GOD openly ... please pray Regularly for our brothers & sisters, being persecuted for our faith.
#bible #BibleProphecy #GodsWrath #SIN #GodsJudgment #wickedness #Righteousness
️Are we saved in Christ & yet, practice sin?
️Do we not yet know of the lord #JesusChrist & we are blind to our sin?
Whoever we are: STOP ENGAGING in the evil works of the devil! A day IS coming Soon when the true God of heaven WILL judge ALL Impartially & we WILL reap what we have sown.
When we choose righteousness over wrongdoing, we choose LIFE ETERNAL
YouVersion prayer
January 26, 2025
#prayer #pray #inJesusname #GodISlove
#ChristianUNITY #AGAPE #LOVElikeJesus
~ Have you wandered away from serving the LORD GOD Almighty? No matter how short or long it has been ~ #Pray this #prayer of #repentance and #restoration #inJesusname
#BodyOfChrist #BornAgainChristians #ChosenOnes #HolyOnes #TheElect
We've the MOST important task of our day: Carrying on the #GreatCommission of our lord, savior and king #JesusChrist
Most will not accept the eternal life saving message of the #gospel but Keep obeying #Jesus command to make disciples. #Repentance in the name and precious blood of #ChristJesus is the ONLY way to our heavenly Father and #everlastinglife
Brothers/Sisters in the #BodyOfChrist
Are we ALL-IN w/our devotion~worship to God or is our heart divided?
pls Read: 2Chronicles 16:9
~paraphrasing it, WHOLE hearted believers are who The Lord is searching for, across the globe & may WE be counted among them!
Stop merely dipping your toes in the waters/pool of faith & Take the FULL plunge/a LEAP of faith in your COMPLETE surrender to the LORD GOD Almighty! You won't regret it & your life will be forever changed #inJesusname
The LORD GOD Almighty is abundant in patience, grace, mercy & forgiveness for ALL sinners but for hard headed/hard hearted unrepentant ones ... woeful judgments await!!!