I made a visualization of my 17 week #marathon training plan. I wanted to see what each workout looks like in terms of intensity.
Tuesday and Thursday are double days (running twice, once in the AM, another in the PM). I'm not crazy about how the AM/PM split looks, but meh, it works.
Time duration for each interval isn't consistent from week-to-week. It's relative only to itself. You can see the time increases in the weekly total column.
Whelp, let's see what happens. Just submitted my guaranteed Chicago #marathon application. I should know whether or not it's accepted with in 10 days.
New #marathon training plan incorporating doubles. 8 runs per weak across 6 days. It's based on power rather than pace.
I haven't run doubles in a plan before, so this is something new. But the weekly time on my feet is right in line with what I've been doing for a couple years. So the weekly fatigue shouldn't be a big concern.
Training by power isn't new for me either.
Instead, what will be challenging is running the second run while mostly glycogen depleted.
#Snohomish #marathon today: got up 4:30am, left home at 6, and started running at 7:30. Watch/Strava reports time 3:31:15 pace 8'03"/mi, and the official time is 3:31:22 pace 8'04"/mi. Both are my #PR (7 minutes faster)!
This is my 4th marathon race this year (or ever) -- one more to go!
I'll have my first Marathon ever on Saturday. I suck at eating. I don't eat breakfast and I tend to go with fatty food like pizza too often.
Runners of Mastodon: What to eat this week? Help me out.
For Finns: Mitä ihmettä tarkoittaa "tankkaaminen"?
Today I was #running in 36 ⁰C heat, and again I couldn't manage to reach 1/4 #marathon distance. Feels like I'm reaching some kind of... barrier? Really can't go much past 10 km, just need to stop... But maybe it's OK. Tomorrow I should probably make a rest day and relax. :)
#RunMichelRun training day 010/2024, 10.25 km in 1:04 (6:15/km pace)
Ein Rekord ist schon vor dem Start des 38. Hamburg-Marathon gefallen: Insgesamt 38.000 Teilnehmer haben für die unterschiedlichen Strecken gemeldet - darunter 15.000 für die 42,195 Kilometer.
Zum Vergleich: Im vergangenen Jahr waren es 11.800 Anmeldungen gewesen. Diesmal ist das Lauf-Spektakel auf allen Distanzen ausgebucht. Der NDR überträgt heute von 9.15 Uhr bis 12.20 Uhr live.
I finished my #marathon and I am really proud of my result!!! Crossing the finish line was so overwhelming I almost cried!
Finished in 4 hours 12 minutes 49 seconds.
@jonathangrenier : 50783 steps so far. Now we know! Haha
Berlin Marathon! 3:37 on the clock. Chuffed with this since (due to injury) I haven’t been running for weeks or trained at all for the marathon. Amazing running the streets of Berlin, such a fun race! (Legs are going to pay for the lack of training tomorrow)
Äthopierin Assefa läuft in Berlin Marathon-Weltrekord
Die Äthiopierin Assefa hat in Berlin einen neuen Marathon-Weltrekord aufgestellt. Die Vorjahressiegerin kam nach inoffiziell 2:11:52 Stunden ins Ziel. Bei den Männern gewann Topfavorit Kipchoge aus Kenia.
Störversuch vor Start des Berlin-Marathons verhindert
Der 49. Berlin-Marathon ist planmäßig gestartet. Kurz vor Beginn verhinderten Sicherheitskräfte einen Störversuch. Die Gruppe "Letzte Generation" hatte angekündigt, den Marathon unterbrechen zu wollen.
Wegner ruft "Letzte Generation" zu Verzicht auf Marathon-Protest auf
Proteste rund um den Berlin-Marathon sind per Allgemeinverfügung verboten. Trotzdem will die "Letzte Generation" die Veranstaltung stören. Nun warnt Berlins Regierender Bürgermeister Wegner die Aktivisten.
For those into ‘The Fibber McGee and Molly Show’, there is a #marathon going on #OldTimeRadioUSA, from now and throughout the day:
Halo and Destiny developer Bungie reboots classic FPS franchise Marathon - Marathon trailer.
It's been more than 25 years since the last game in the storied... - https://arstechnica.com/?p=1941819 #playstation #marathon #gaming #bungie