Papa John's Pi Day Deal: Buy a pizza get a 2nd for $3.14 on March 14th
On March 14th, at participating locations, buy a L or XL pizza at regular price and get a second for $3.14. You'll need Rewards membership to avail of this offer.

Papa John's Pi Day Deal: Buy a pizza get a 2nd for $3.14 on March 14th
On March 14th, at participating locations, buy a L or XL pizza at regular price and get a second for $3.14. You'll need Rewards membership to avail of this offer.
We found a place here that has Indian themed pizza. So paneer tikka pizza! #food #pizza #jacksonville #florida
We watched as the flour settled across the land. The smell if marinara was thick in the air.
"That son of a bitch. He really did it," I said to myself as I looked upon the rubble of the demolished hut.
The chef turned back to me and smiled, fresh mozzarella in hand.
He really had done it.
He had out pizza'd the hut.
Half onion half cheese. #Pizza
It’s Always Pizza O’Clock With This AI-Powered Timepiece - Right up front, we’ll say that [likeablob]’s pizza-faced clock gives us mixed feel... - #artificialintelligence #raspberrypizerow #stablediffusion #clockhacks #generative #pizza #ai
Finished baking my bread. Half whole wheat, half T55 flour with fresh yeast.
Forgot to add olive oil or butter to it, but it still raised well and is delicious.
I really love having the #breadmaker, use it in #pizza dough mode and mix all the ingredients and it warms up the dough for 50 minutes before I take it out and divide it into pieces and let it sit for an hour to raise.
It develops #gluten so it's no longer full of crumbs and hard to cut. Plus it's much easier to use as sandwich bread.
All for less than 1.5 euros.
Homemade #Pizza Cookbook: Master the Art of Crusts, Sauces, and Toppings! Step-by-Step Recipes for Beginners and Pros!
I'm trying to ween myself off the metaverse, and this is like the fourth time I've tried to use Mastodon since COVID-19 began. I like the *idea* of open-source social media but the UI is never as pretty, IMHO.
I like how quiet it is on here compared to FB and IG. But it's also a bit...too quiet on my timeline.
I live in #Ottawa, and I like #chess, trying different #pizza recipies, I geek out over #coffee and #fountainpens. I used to have a podcast and wouldn't mind getting back into it.
Most controversial pizza topping out there is actually an omission (mozz) #Pizza