Mit diesem "Grenzen setzen" ist es eigentlich ziemlich einfach. Ich sage es euch mal im #Reallife Friedi Umgangston, wie das geht:
Dich kackt jemand verbal an, weil er/sie der Meinung ist, dass er/sie das einfach mit dir machen kann:
A) Nicken, lächeln, Arschloch denken
B) Nicken, lächeln, Spitze schmeißen
C) Veto einlegen, lächeln, Spitze schmeißen
D) lächelnd Verwarnung aussprechen, dass es gleich knallt
E) nochmal fairerweise dasselbe wie D)
F) Plattmachen. Krone richten. Kaffee trinken.
Irgenwelche #Synthesizer-Freaks oder solche die es werden wollen aus dem Raum #Göppingen / Schwäbisch #Gmünd hier? Suche #Jam-Partner*innen zum gemeinsamen #Krach ... ähh... #Musik machen im #Reallife #boost me #neuhier
S02E012, Managing Expectations, Marriage Matters
In this final episode in this series of Marriage Matters, Andy B and Jo take a look at expectations within our marriages – noting how we can have too high an expectation, or to low an expectation on our marriages.
Andy highlights the issues of placing too much importance on the Wedding Day, when Marriage is for life - not just for the Wedding Day!
This week, Andy B shared some scriptures, which helps us to understand what matters in a marriage:
- 1 Corinthians 12:21-26
- Acts 2:44-46
- Jeremiah 29:11
Andy and Jo chew through some difficult topics and try and make sense of it all.
#RealTalk and #RealLife is just what we do!
Make sure you’re not settling for low expectations and expecting a poor marriage ahead of you.
Andy and Jo
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S02E010, Roles and Responsibilities, Part 1, Marriage Matters
In this episode of Marriage Matters, Andy B and Jo look at who does what in our relationships – to putting the bin out, cleaning, cooking, staying at home, going out to work and more – not an exhaustive list!
Actually, as Andy and Jo discuss the issues and share their own stories, it happens again, they both realise that one episode on this subject will not do justice to working out roles and responsibilities in Marriage – another Part 2 is promised!
This week, Andy B is on the ball and slick with the scripture, well there was just the one!
The Meaty Section
Andy and Jo chew through some difficult topics and try and make sense of it all.
#RealTalk and #RealLife is just what we do! [READ MORE]
Andy and Jo
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S02E009, Money Matters, Part 2, Marriage Matters
Andy B and Jo return to Money Matters in Marriage Matters this week – matters about Money that matters because Money matters in Marriage, just like matters about marriage matters!
Jo starts with reviewing Part 1 and highlights how finances have been a top reason for arguments in marriages and reminding us that there are around 2000 scripture verses relating to money – so must be important!
There were some muddled matters in this week’s Marriage Matters, but in the end Andy B delivered on some scriptures to help us:
- Hebrews 13:5-6
- Proverbs 23:4
- Luke 12:24
The Meaty Section
Andy and Jo chew through some difficult topics and try and make sense of it all.
#RealTalk and #RealLife is just what we do! [READ MORE]
Andy and Jo
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S02E007, The Power Of Love, Marriage Matters
As promised, after focusing last week on wives, in this week’s Marriage Matters, Andy B and Jo look at how husbands need to love their wives – The Power of a Husband’s Love!
Andy B reads these scriptures to help us steer us in the right direction:
Ephesians 5:25, Colossians 3:19 and I Peter 3:7
It looks like the love the bible is talking about is selfless, sacrificial and unconditional and to be honest a high standard of love is expected from husbands
The Meaty Section
Andy and Jo chew through some difficult topics and try and make sense of it all.
#RealTalk and #RealLife is just what we do!
Andy and Jo
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S02E002, Marriage Matters – Coming Up, 30.07.2022, Marriage For The Maker
What's coming up in our next Marriage Matters Podcast?
In this week’s Marriage Matters, Andy B and Jo challenge us to consider how our marriages measure up to God’s standard. Andy and Jo remind us that marriage is God’s design, noting that God created one man and one woman and said they should go forth and multiply and that the two become one flesh which is spelt out in Genesis.
Join us for Marriage Matters: Saturdays from 4pm
Andy and Jo
#BerryBunchFamilyFive #MarriageMattersBBF #MarriageMatters #SpeakTruth #KeepItReal #GoDo #RealLife #RealTalk #Marriage #OneFlesh #sex #relationships #intimacy #onelifeliveit #God #HolySpirit #church #Bride #Groom
OpenCV Brings Pinch to Zoom Into the Real World - Gesture controls arrived in the public consciousness a little over a decade ago as... - #machinelearning #reallife #control #gesture #camera #opencv #servo #irl
Marriage Matters, Don't Awaken Love Before It's Time, S1, E4
Andy B and Jo jump right in with Song of Songs, the book in the bible all about marriage. And in this book, we are warned more than once – ‘Do not awaken love before it’s time’.
This is a gentle way of telling us about intimacy in relationships and the best time to awake this kind of love is when we are married.
Andy and Jo take a look at Song of Songs. This is God’s instruction on all things marriage, dating and sex. They talk through the effects of erotic literature, pornography and nudity on TV, and whether this is something that is good or bad for us.