I just wrapped up my first offshore passage, helping a friend bring his sailboat up from the Bahamas back to Maryland. We found a nearly perfect weather window, downwind from the Bahamas and up the Gulf Stream. It was a bit trickier with heavy seas once we left the Gulf Stream, along with a struggle up the Bay through serious chop and heavy wind on our nose. It took us 7 days to go a total of 960 nautical miles.
Highlights included eating freshly caught barracuda and mahi mahi, swimming in the 80F waters of the Gulf Stream off the coast of Virginia (with a safety line attached to a floating PFD tied off to the boat), and having pods of dolphins swim along with us on a couple occasions. Night watches were hard during the later stretches with wind, current, and waves against us, but we had a great crew. I'm glad to have made the trip and built the experience.