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We are in the south of Spain now and we will take it easy. We drive like 60km every other day, so we can get to see some nice places and relax more.

And as much as I like cool places, I also LOVE to stay somewhere where we have access to water/amenities for the motorhome, where is no one, and is nice enough so I can focus on my computer work!

We here now:

Around Cordoba. We will stay for a few days in this place because there is a storm coming to the entire Spain and there will be lots of rain. So we need a safe place to be in.

We have our batteries quite full, the fridge is full, water infinite, unlimited satellite internet. And now I am working on TROMjaro, will add new stuff to VideoNeat, and will work to make more videos for TROMhome. For me, this is super relaxing. :)

sometimes the sheer scale of the mountain of personal tech debt I need to solve just overwhelms me. the deities could grant me 6 months alone in a cave (or in a #vanlife setup with true-unlimited 5G internet) and if I worked on it all day every day, maybe that'd be enough to at least make some headway.

The view from our motorhome today:

Yeah I got a headache driving here because it took us 6 hours to also stop buy food, put gas, etc., But man....what a fucking view...

Before this place we stayed in another one, so close to nature. We stayed for 3 days because we liked it so much...

Went for a long hike through the mountains and some waterfalls :)

We will publish videos about all of these only on our Peertube channel -… - no BS youtube. Straight to Peertube! :)

From tomorrow on we will meet with some of the most wonderful TROM friends in the south-ish of Spain :). So excited to see @esh and @aaron

I really liked the past few days with the motorhome...thats what I want: nature, relax, dont rush, calmness....

Doing TROMjaro work from the motorhome :)…

This is the first time I get to "properly" use this space for doing some more hardware and internet intensive work. We live in a motorhome from now on for those who do not know. This is it:

We have 650W of solar panels:

Internet satellite and 2 lithium batteries, each of around 1.000W. The download internet speed is quite good, some 20-30 real Mb per second, but upload max at about 1 ...

So, to download the updates to create the ISO is no problem. To compile the ISO itself, also not an issue because we have a lot of power. But to upload 2 ISOs, each of around 4.7Gb was really time consuming. So much so I had to leave the Internet and Laptop on over night.

But it worked and they uploaded. They only ate 30% of our battery capacity overall. Something we can easily put back with solar this next day.

This is our view from a really nice parking lot for motorhomes where you get free water and water disposal facilities :)

We can also charge one of our batteries while we drive with like 500W so in 2 hours we can fully charge one of our batteries just from driving, and we plan to drive for almost 2 hours today.

Therefore, the test was great! Because even if the upload speeds are shit, I can leave the laptop overnight to upload large files.

We have a Peertube channel where we try to upload videos from our adventures -…

Some motorhome updates :)

We are getting it ready for our South of Spain adventures, and overall to start the "journey". I managed to seal the entire roof to make sure it is as water proof as possible, we added 2 more solar panels and these days will add one more (so it will be a total of 650W of solar power - huge); and finally we put our satellite internet so we have unlimited internet everywhere basically, allowing me to work on our TROM projects :).

We spend our time near a river, in nature. But have worked pretty much every day on the motorhome. Lots of little things to do.

The view is amazing!

I did not have the time or motivation to film too much but we will make more videos about our TROMhome adventures. I plan to paint the motorhome this year and put some big stickers on it about our projects. I hope to also volunteer a bit in the offline world and make videos about.

Lots to do. Don't forget we post on our Peertube here.

As for the TROM projects I will give them some love starting this next month, maybe towards the end of it. Lots of ideas, and lots to do. Having unlimited internet anywhere is absolutely fantastic for me.

Many thanks to my parents who decided to pay for half a year for our Internet. Considering it is terribly expensive, it is a HUGE help. Much appreciated!

Motorhome DONE (2): We have a full kitchen in this 5.5 meters long car! -…

How much food can we store in this tiny 5.5 meters long motorhome? Despite being so small, we can store food for (maybe) weeks in this tiny house. Our fridge is small but actually super spacious, and Sasha managed to organize the food really well and compact 😃. On top of that this is the only motorhome that we've seen with an oven, which is super great!

I think if I'd live 678 years I would never get bored and I would have new projects to do all the time. I feel like I want to do a lot. And I do a lot every day, but the days are too short for my motivation and drive. The weeks, the months, are flying by so fast. The years, still more ahead than behind, but soon they will balance, and then you'll ride the ones ahead. But it's all about making the best of this ride, even tho too short.

This year we have a motorhome, very little money, and a lot of plans.

Make sure you follow us on Peertube… - we will go chase the darkest skies in Spain, meet with some wonderful friends from the project, volunteer, and do a lot.

Słowniczek żargonu kamperowego i moich skrótów myślowych:

- "RV" - Recreational vehicle czyli Kamper.
- "Integra" - Kamper zbudowany tylko na podwoziu od dostawczaka/ciężarówki ale z nadwoziem w całości od kampera.
- "Półintegra" - Kamper z szoferką od dostawczaka i częścią mieszkalną z fabryki.
- "Alkowa" - Półintegra z sypialnią nad szoferką.
- "Kampervan" - Dostawczak przerobiony na kampera.
- "Serwis" - Zatankowanie wody, zrzucenie szarej wody, opróżnienie toalety, wyrzucenie śmieci.
- "Szara woda" - woda odpadowa ze zlewu i prysznica.
- "Czarna woda" - ścieki z toalety.
- "Zrzucanie/wyrzucanie kota", "Ogarnianie kota" - Wyrzucanie ścieków z toalety chemicznej.
- "Opróżnianie kuwety" - wyrzucanie nieczystości z toalety separacyjnej/kompostowej.
- "Kamperstop" - parking dla kamperów z miejscem na serwis, czesto bardzo tani lub darmowy.
- "P4N" - Aplikacja Park4Night zawierająca różnego rodzaju punkty dla kamperów (i nie tylko) na mapie.
- "Zielony punkt" - Darmowy kamperstop, oznaczany zielonym kamperem w aplikacji p4n.
- "Czerwony punkt" - Płatny kamperstop, oznaczany czerwonym kamperem w aplikacji p4n.
- "Stanie na dziko" - Zatrzymanie w miejscu nie wyznaczonym do spania w kamperze.
- "Eska" - Droga szybkiego ruchu.
- "Prąd na miejscówce" - Przyłącze 230V w danym miejscu do stania kamperem.
- "Złącze kamperowe" - Przyłącze 230V typu CEE 16A 3P
- "Siedzieć na kablu" - Być podłączonym kamperem pod 230V z sieci.
- "Solary" - Panele fotowoltaiczne.
- "Zaopatrzenie" - większe zakupy na kilka dni, najczęściej aby stać daleko od sklepu.
- "Robić pranie" - w domyśle iść i robić pranie w pralni samoobsługowej.

Napiszę to raz i przypnę do konta, żeby nie musieć dawać opisów w nawiasach. Na bierząco będę też edytować ten post jak coś nowego mi wpadnie do głowy.


I sketched the interior of a Ford Transit low roof 130" wheelbase cargo van and how I'm thinking about building it out as a living space. There's a long benchseat slash bed (in blue), a work surface (also blue, but higher and shorter), and a garage area in the rear that also provides shelving inside the living space.
The second image shows the rear garage area with a power bank, a heater, and an air conditioner.
The third image shows two smol dog beds in green.
#vanLife #vanBuild #FreeCAD 【青森夫婦旅】人気観光地にご当地グルメと青森市のおすすめスポットを大満喫!こんなラーメン見たことない、、、 #Hakodate #HakodateDestinations #HakodateTour #HakodateTravel #HakodateTrip #HakodateVacation #Vanlife #yt:cc=on #アラサー夫婦 #カップル #ご当地グルメ #ニート夫婦 #ねぶた祭り #バンライフ #バン生活 #函館 #地元民おすすめ #夫婦 #夫婦の旅 #新婚アラサー夫婦 #新婚夫婦 #新婚旅行 #旅行 #日本一周 #無職夫婦 #脱サラ #脱サラ夫婦 #車中泊 #車中泊の旅 #青森グルメ #青森旅行 #青森県民おすすめ #青森観光 【青森夫婦旅】人気観光地にご当地グルメと青森市のおすすめスポットを大満喫!こんなラーメン見たことない、、、 今回の動画は青森市を観光しています!! ねぶたに遺跡にあのご当地グルメに、最後はスイーツ🍎 青森をぎゅっとした一日😊 歴史も…