@watson @MMA
Thank you honey. I have felt guilty for years that I did something to him because I had a totally normal pregnancy and delivery but then his development started slowing. Its easy to blame the mom and say she didn't do something right.
At the time I was being abused by my ex; was upset that I was pregnant. I planned to leave him now that my oldest were school age so I could work to support us- but knew I couldn't with a baby.
I was told my negative emotions affected the baby.
@MMA my oldest son us autistic. He's 31, lives with me. I always feel like I have to explain him to people, because he looks normal. He was born in 90, so he didn't get as many shots as they're doing now, but still too many. And who knows how many it takes to make a difference?
2 of 4 grandsons are on the spectrum and my daughter was super selective and refused several of the shots. But the last one to get one quit breathing immediately post jab. They're not getting ANY more.