The Stupid cannot help themselves!
@Bleukitty How are you doing after the storm?
We were very blessed, a lot of rain and short power loss. TY for asking...
She's pissed because Unca Donald didn't set her up in the lifestyle to which she wants to become accustomed.
She's a bitter, vindictive woman.
And not smart.
She didn't get the Trump intelligence.
@CDuBois That's some hellacious jealously to watch a family member being abused and shot. SMH.
@mk Big time.
Her problem is, she
@dogon You said it, brother.
@Java Same thing with many children from rich families. They envy those who earns more then them. Just like Bernie Sanders and now he is a millionare socialist, he no longer complains about millionares, just Billionares only.
@Limerickman I agree. Sanders is the person who woke up my son as a young millennial after 2016. Once woke, there's no going back. Then he got fired for not taking the jab.