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I was looking at a new Winter jacket on my tablet and told Brandi about it while we were out on the porch. When she went into the house there was a full size ad for the jacket on her tablet. But of course our devices don't spy on us. Right? Right?

StephanieanneLR 🙃🇺🇸🍊🏅🌞


I was in my doctor's office and we discussed portable nebulizer. When I went back to my office, it was popping up on my Facebook feed. The phone heard us, I guess.

@StephanieAnneLR It's disgusting and it's an awfully deep rabbit hole.

@creeksidewilly @StephanieAnneLR My son and i have tested this many times on both Apple and Android phones. They listen and match the names of items that you speak to ad feeds. There is absolutely no doubt.

@Phil @StephanieAnneLR If they're going to do that, they should at least give us that stuff for free.
We've suspected the toaster of being a double agent for quite some time but we're pretty sure the dishwasher is okay.

@Phil @creeksidewilly @StephanieAnneLR
Easy to confirm. I searched for a new mattress two months ago and am still getting ads for them.