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1/4) 🚨 Australian Media Places Blame for the Pandemic on Fauci.
This will be echoed World Wide.

REPORT: Fully-vaccinated, perfectly healthy, 35-year-old athlete suddenly drops dead on the field. Massive heart attack.
full story:

The working class standing up to government is fascism now 🤡

I find it disturbing the "vaccine" ads are the only pharmaceutical ads in U.S. history with *no* side effects warnings. That tells you everything you need to know about how "honest" they are.

TwitterKyle Becker on TwitterBy Kyle Becker

Jump off the treadmill for a clear path to freedom. Agencies making it clear to us there is only one true pathway to getting and staying healthy.

Here’s some SCIENCE for y’all:

The homeless population doesn’t mask ,distance, or vaccinate. Why haven’t they gone extinct from Covid?

TwitterLavern Spicer on TwitterBy Lavern Spicer

I want to show you all what the emotional toll these Covid policies are having on families. We had to leave my mom whose suffering from stage 4 pancreatic cancer all by herself at the entrance of the emergency room today. It all felt completely cruel and barbaric.

Update from the Fargo, North Dakota masking study:
Two neighboring K-12 districts (same community) both with around 12,000 students
🔵 Mask mandate
🟡 Masks optional (<5% masking)
Y axis= % of students positive for covid
Green vertical line: when🔵 went masks optional
Figure made w/@ifihadastick & @ordinrysprheros
I think it was @writingblock who said "Parents are legitimately asking what the benefits are for policies like masking"

Once the circle of medical freedom is violated and there is injection against one’s will, all circles become fractured.
1) Medical freedom autonomy over your body.
2) Social freedom family, school, employment, and church.
3) Economic freedom your livelihood

America Out LoudMarch and Rally for Unity and TruthBy Dr. Peter McCullough

"This is corruption at the highest levels"
~ A 300% Increase in miscarriages after vax
~ A 300% increase in cancer after vax
~ And an incredible 1000% increase in neurological disease in air force pilots after vax.

The vax shills like to highlight when an outspoken critic of Covid “vaccines” dies after contracting Covid. What these ghouls DON’T highlight are circumstances leading to death: what therapeutics were denied; were they treated w remdesivir?
It’s a vulgar con.

TwitterProbably Mulder’s Intern’l House of Pandemicakes on TwitterBy Probably Mulder’s Intern’l House of Pandemicakes

The study: “lockdowns have had little to no public health effects, they have imposed enormous economic and social costs where they have been adopted. In consequence, lockdown policies are ill-founded and should be rejected as a pandemic policy instrument.”

It’s for his hEaLtH

There was never a lockdown for elites, anywhere in the world, because they were never afraid of anything.
Restrictions, fear, mandates, and house arrest were always for commoners.
It’s time for everyone to come to terms with reality.

TwitterChristina Pushaw 🐊🚛 on TwitterBy Christina Pushaw 🐊🚛

KYLE BECKER: Politicians *ignored* the damage they would do to people's lives as they rushed ahead with reckless, lawless and now-failed Covid measures.
Read this thread to get a small glimpse of the human wreckage they caused with their cruel & useless policies.🔻

The same ppl who shipped US jobs overseas, started endless wars, spied on Trump, lied about COVID, crushed our economy, stole an election, lied about J6, locked up Americans & came after parents just got caught.
Turn the rage into action. Mobilize, vote & demand accountability.

The covid Karens are on the verge of losing their authoritah.
They will be lashing out fiercely.
Fight back.
Do not respect their authoritah.
Gesture wildly like a silverback gorilla.
Establish dominance.
Vanquish them.
No mercy.

TwitterOilfield Rando on TwitterBy Oilfield Rando

Many schools continue to insist on "social distancing" for children in classes. This goes as far as to prevent children from doing group projects. Its important to note that a CDC study (may, 2021) found social distancing has ZERO effect in schools. ZILCH.

DC Health has taken down new portal after the system mistakenly sent people the wrong vaccination records. Spokesperson for @MayorBowser tells @nbcwashington they are trying to determine what caused the problem. No word on how many incorrect records were sent.

TwitterMark Segraves on TwitterBy Mark Segraves

NEW - Klaus Schwab's World Economic Forum says "the COVID 19 pandemic has led to a heightened focus on the power of medical data, specifically so-called vaccine passports. These passports by nature serve as a form of digital identity."
WEF 46pps PDF file file

New Zealand is fining people for not wanting to get tested for covid. If you don’t pay the fine you can get arrested, have your accounts and property seized, and be put on a no fly list.

This is murder. This judge is a murderer. This person must stand trial for murder. No different than the guy who threw the woman in front of the subway.

Gavin Newsom Claims His 'Endemic Plan' Will Be a Return to Normal, but Still Will Not Relinquish Emergency Powers
Bloomberg News asked Gov. Newsom: “Do you see the potential, as many others in the Party do, for a new progressive era and opportunity for additional progressive steps?”
"...yes, absolutely we see this as an opportunity to reshape the way we do business and how we govern.”

We are 100 weeks, 2 presidents, 7 trillion dollars, 3 jabs, and a shredded Constitution into slowing the spread.


They certainly slowed the spread of freedom and truth, I'll tell you that.

Courage and resolve, not so much

They miscalculated.



@hejoural @watson

“ They certainly slowed the spread of freedom and truth, I'll tell you that.”

Only temporarily........