The Los Angeles Times noted that the "non-military biodefense research budget" increased from $60 million in 2001 to $317 million in 2002, and the Bush administration was now requesting $2 billion for 2003, which exceeded the combined research budgets for "breast and lung cancer, stroke and tuberculosis."
The money would fund new high-security labs at universities and government agencies for work on "vaccines and treatments for biowarfare agents," but some experts questioned the security concerns of experimenting on these types of exotic pathogens.
From archived versions of the NIAID's Biodefense website, Dr. Anthony Fauci details how the Patriot Act placed him on top of the nation's biodefense infrastructure:
"Homeland security is a multifaceted endeavor, of which biodefense is a critical component. Our nation's ability to detect and counter bioterrorism depends to a large degree on the information generated by biomedical research on dangerous, disease-causing microbes and on the immune system response to these pathogens.
Much of this research is supported by the NIH and NIAID. The role of NIAID biodefense research is to develop the tools necessary to protect civilians from potential agents of bioterrorism. Since the fall of 2001, the NIAID has moved quickly to accelerate basic and clinical research related to the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of diseases caused by potential agents of bioterrorism.
For fiscal year 2003, the President has proposed a $1.75 billion budget in biodefense research funding for NIH, which will enable the NIAID and other NIH institutes to expand ongoing projects and establish new initiatives as part of a comprehensive and sustained biodefense research program."
In Dec. 2002, dr. anthony fauci described how the distinction between "bioweapons" and "biodefense" does not exist, as later demonstrated by his gain-of-function research:
"I found myself again, never imagining that I would be doing this, needing to learn from people that I never thought I would be learning things from, namely bioweaponers. People who are our own bioweaponers in the US decades ago, international figures, people from other countries, the UK, and also importantly, defectors particularly from the Soviet Union who had vast experience in the ways of biowarfare."
How Dick Cheney created anthony fauci | @ unherd
"With the stroke of Bush and Cheney’s pen, all United States biodefense efforts, classified or unclassified, were placed under the aegis of dr. anthony fauci.
fauci now had a virtual carte blanche to not merely approve but design and run the kind of research projects he sought — and could do so with no oversight structure above him.
Biodefense projects that formerly would have fallen under the authority of military or intelligence agencies were now under his direct supervision."
"It’s this that explains one of the most bewildering irregularities surrounding anthony fauci: his compensation.
As widely reported, fauci is the highest-paid member of the federal government, out-earning the President, four-star generals, senators, and Super Court Justices. His salary roughly doubled that of his own (nominal) boss until recently, NIH director Francis Collins.
fauci’s giant pay packet can be traced back to 2004, the year after NIAID was made the country’s top biodefence authority agency."
dr. fauci was approved for a “permanent pay adjustment” in December 2004 to “appropriately compensate him for the level of responsibility… especially as it relates to his work on biodefense research activities.”
From 2004 through 2007, Fauci received a 68% pay increase from $200,000 to $335,000 a year.
9 pages PDF
In 2014, reports of high-profile lab blunders at US government labs involving anthrax, bird flu, and smallpox hit the press:
"The United States has spent billions on the Project BioShield Act, a program meant to keep its citizens safe from bioterrorists.
Despite these good intentions, that program may have put the nation at greater risk of a homegrown disease escaping from a lab and quickly infecting millions.
That's because while the real threat of bioterror is minimal—there have been only a handful of such attacks in modern history, and none since 2001—the risk of bio-error is actually quite high."
2 pages PDF
More than 300 top scientists penned an open letter demanding that President Barack Obama shut down dr. anthony fauci's dangerous gain-of-function research.
The authors included four Noble Laureates and scientists from Harvard, Stanford, John Hopkins, Yale, MIT, UCLA, Oxford, Princeton, and all of the world's top universities.
In Oct. 2014, President Obama announced a pause on Dr. Anthony Fauci's dangerous gain-of-function experiments.
Like @ RobertKennedyJr told @ jimmy_dore, Obama's moratorium paused eighteen gain-of-function experiments, according to the NIH.
dr. anthony fauci's NIAID sent 18 letters to 14 institutions telling them to halt their gain-of-function experiments.
75 pages PDF
After the pause on gain-of-function research, Dr. Anthony Fauci, USAID (CIA), DOD, and other US government agencies worked with dr. peter daszak's EcoHealth Alliance and Dr. Ralph Baric to transfer Fauci's coronavirus research to Dr. Shi Zhengli at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.
There is a well-documented scientific paper trail of dr. fauci funding Dr. Baric's bioweapons research and that knowledge being transferred to Dr. Shi Zhengli at the Wuhan lab.
"The NIH decided the risk was worth it. In a potentially fateful decision, it funded work similar to Baric’s at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, which soon used its own reverse-genetics technology to make numerous coronavirus chimeras. Unnoticed by most, however, was a key difference that significantly shifted the risk calculation. The Chinese work was carried out at biosafety level 2 (BSL-2), a much lower tier than Baric’s BSL-3+."
That's why Senator @ RandPaul accused dr. fauci of funding “supervirus” research in the US and “making a huge mistake” by trading the know-how to China.
Fauci denied the accusation, stating categorically: “The NIH has not ever, and does not now, fund gain-of-function research in the Wuhan Institute of Virology.”
But even Dr. Robert Redfield, the former CDC Director, told congress last week that he believes dr. anthony fauci used American taxpayer dollars to fund the bioweapons research that created COVID-19:
"I think it did — not only from NIH but from the State Department, USAID, and from DOD."
And that's why @ RobertKennedyJr told @ jimmy_dore that dr. anthony fauci has been the 'American Czar of Bioweapons' since 2002.
fauci vs fauci: a compilation of lies and contradictions on Gain of Function, Lab Leak Theory, Masks, Lockdowns, Vaccine Side Effects and Masks.
Dr. Fauci responds to criticism that he funded the gain-of-function research that created COVID-19:
"If you look at the viruses that the Chinese were working on with money supplied from NIH, anybody who knows even a little bit about virology will tell you that it would be molecularly impossible..."
see the 2'43" video clip at:
Kentucky Sen. @ RandPaul:
#Fauci may be still working for the government because "he is worried about being indicted."
"There's a lot of stuff going on, but at the top of every concern we have, it's Tony Fauci."
From a new #NIH FOIA release I received today. An email exchange between NIH's Michael Lauer and Lawrence Tabak on April 22, 2020, etc.
Full set of documents here:
From the new FOIA release by @ JamesCTobias. State Department approval for #NIH grant by @ EcoHealthNYC
Humanized mice
5-6 Novel SARS-related coronaviruses
"All work involving samples and viral isolates from bats
will be performed at the Wuhan Institute of Virology"
Seems pretty big!
In July of 2020, the #nih suspended a grant from @ EcoHealthNYC until they Explain the disappearance of Huang Yanling(!)
Explain the diminished cell phone traffic and roadblocks around the WIV
"EcoHealth Alliance must arrangefor WIV to submit to an outside inspection team charged to review the lab facilities and lab records, with specific attention to addressing the questionof whether WIV staff had SARS-CoV-2 in their possession prior to December 2019."
(Oct 2020)
"The fact that EcoHealth
does not currently
have a subrecipient
with WIV and had
not issued subawards
to WIV at the timeof suspension
does not absolve EcoHealth
of any past
with the terms and conditions."
Is nih trying to shift the blame onto EcoHealthNYC by letting us see all the nastygrams they sent?
"In addition to objecting to NIH's authority to seck the materials, information, and a site visit, EcoHealth has responded that it lacks knowledge or information regarding the requests; that it is not in possession, custody,or controlofthe specified items; and that it has no authority to grant NIAID and the U.S. National Academy of Sciences access to WIV's facility to conduct an inspection..."
"EcoHealth’s responses have not satisfied NIH's concerns that EcoHealth had failed to adequately monitor the compliance of its subrececipicnt, and that the subrecipicnt, WIV, had failed to comply with safety requirements."
NIH in April 2020 (ie after PO)
"One of the major components of the grant, namely, the Wuhan Institute of Virology(WIV), is being considered for suspension bc of concerns that the current crisis was precipitated by the release from WIV of the virus responsible for COVID-19"
So Dr. Fauci was not simply speculating about the presence of humanized mice at the WIV? Had he saw that Peter Daszak was asking for a grant extension in 2019 to test novel SARS-related coronaviruses in them?
In October 2021, a progress report was submitted (2 years late) that showed they were using humanized mice.
Everything is coming out in drips.
First the EcoHealth report (2 years late) is filed in 2021, showing experiments with humanized mice.
The "Wild West" emails were redacted until recently
And only yesterday, we find out that the State department and (Fauci?) knew the whole time
US tax dollars to pay for research into bat coronaviruses - 3 years after Trump 'terminated' grant
#AnthonyFauci's top advisor at the National Institutes of Health told his colleagues to use his personal Gmail when discussing the origins of the Covid virus to avoid FOIA requests. He also told his colleagues that he deleted the emails to avoid legal discovery.
#Fauci Flashback: “My records are an open book” —a claim #Fauci made after #NIH redacted nearly 99% of a FOIA request made by the Intercept
In February 2020, #AnthonyFauci privately told scientists that COVID-19 could have been created at the Wuhan lab because "scientists in Wuhan University" were "working on gain-of-function experiments to determine the molecular mechanisms associated with bat viruses adapting to human infection, and the outbreak originated in Wuhan."
Well, well…what have we here? The #NIH testing the effects of adrenochrome on humans. So it’s not a “conspiracy”. My question: where did the NIH get this adrenochrome they harvested, acc to their study? Effects of adrenochrome & epinephrine on human…
Ralph Baric.
He is the key to understanding the origin of C19.
But he is inaccessible.
Stayed under the radar for over 3 years.
How is that possible?
Obviously he is protected by some powerful forces.
1/ Leaked messages from the authors of the 2020 "Proximal Origin" paper, which denied COVID-19's lab origin, expose scientific fraud and misconduct as they express disbelief in their paper's own conclusions.
dr #AnthonyFauci, an advocate of gain-of-function research, secretly commissioned the paper and later cited it at the White House podium to dismiss the lab leak theory as a "conspiracy theory."
2/ The paper, which resulted in social media companies banning accounts and censoring discussions on the lab leak, concluded, “Our analyses clearly show that SARS-CoV-2 is not a laboratory construct or a purposefully manipulated virus.”
The author's private messages expose a different story.
3/ Dr. Kristian Andersen:
"The lab escape version of this is so friggin likely to have happened because they were already doing this type of work & the molecular data is fully consistent with that scenario."
"The main issue is that accidental escape is in fact highly likely-it's not some fringe theory."
4/ Dr. Andrew Rambaut:
"Given the shit show that would happen if anyone serious accused the Chinese of even accidental release... We cannot possibly distinguish between natural evolution and escape so we are content with ascribing it to natural processes."
"Lab passaging might also generate this mutation."
5/ Dr. Ian Lipkin
"I am concerned that scientists at the Wuhan Institute of Virology did not take adequate precautions when growing bat viruses."
"[There is still] the possibility of inadvertent release following adaptation through selection in culture at the Institute in Wuhan."
6/ Dr. Edward Holmes:
"No way selection could occur in the market. Too low a density of mammals: really just small groups of 3-4 in cases."
"Ian Lipkin just called - very worried about the furin cleavage site and says that high ups are too, inc intel."
7/ Dr. Robert Garry
"Transmitting a bat virus-like RatG13 in HeLa cells and then asking your graduate student to insert a furin site... would get you there. It's not crackpot to suggest this could have happened given the Gain of Function research we know is happening."
8/ "I'm thinking mostly about the PRRA to generate the furin site. Relatively easy to drop 12 bases in. The proline is the hang-up - why add that? Makes me think the cell culture passage scenario [in a laboratory] is possible/probably assuming this has in fact been observed before by Farzan and Fouchier."
9/ Due to the authors' private statements contradicting their scientific conclusions, which led to global censorship of the lab leak possibility, Nature Medicine should retract the "Proximal Origin" paper.
If COVID-19 potentially resulted from gain-of-function research, why does the United States continue to fund such research domestically and internationally?
(Graphic created by @ RAEMKA1)
Covid origins discourse currently dominated by opinions about people who have opinions about people who have opinions about Covid origins. Twitter really helps to get to the meat of the issue
Not really. Covid origin discourse is currently dominated by the fact that the editor-in-chief of one of the world's most prestigious science journals aggressively propagandized the fraudulent Proximal Origin paper, only to now claim that the paper was just some guys' opinion.
New Investigation Shows the #NIH & Pfizer are Bankrolling ‘Gender Affirming Care’ Research & Propaganda
“It gets a lot more interesting when you look at who backs the group…One that we found particularly interesting was Pfizer…When you look into the products that Pfizer makes, we identified at least five different drugs that are used in these sex change attempts.”
Physicians gather at the Supreme Court of the United States with over 100,000 petition signatures to call for an investigation into #Fauci's misdealings & corruption.
"Never before have we seen such a blatantly corrupt government official not be prosecuted."
07/21: Rand Paul: "Do you still claim NIH never funded gain-of-function research in Wuhan?"
#fauci: "I've never lied before Congress.."
Making animal viruses more transmissible isn't GoF, he said adding, "Sen. Paul you don't know what you are talking about."
#fauci (in private) :
If making an animal virus more transferable to humans is not gain of function—as Fauci claimed before the Senate—it’s interesting that Fauci described the Wuhan research as gain of function in his private emails. #fauci
@watson should be a fireable offense.
@watson He should be in PRISON! We know the game.
They are going to force us to move on, but we cannot accept that!
Do you ever get the feeling we're in End Times?
i welcome it, even if it means i would be one of the condemned
You so don't want to be in the same place that Biden and company is going.
I can't imagine you going in the same direction. Not even remotely.
No, dear. If you would even think that, then your spirit is awakened.
The natural man does not think on this level and does not consider himself condemned. He believes he is a good person and G-d will judge him by his earthy good deeds, not by whether he has lived his life perfectly without sin. Those who have lived thusly are not subject to physical death.
Since there are none who have not sinned, no, not one, we need a Savior. Jesus lived a perfect life, and, so, He Is.
Perhaps the NIH has a lab in Ukraine, Taiwan, or hidden in a DUMB somewhere??
@watson It's not going away, and neither is the rest of its corruption. We have turned a page.
@watson I used to have inadvertent releases when I was a teenager.