In the wake of President Trump’s pardons for the Jan. 6 rioters, police question the long-term effect on police and public safety. #Jan6 #pardons #trump
Posted into Now What? @now-what-csmonitor
In the wake of President Trump’s pardons for the Jan. 6 rioters, police question the long-term effect on police and public safety. #Jan6 #pardons #trump
Posted into Now What? @now-what-csmonitor
"Four years later, the violence they committed is still shocking — and the facts of what happened are right there in the images, many of them now iconic.
Here are some of the most egregious acts of violence that took place during the Capitol attack, as seen in videos."
Note that you can access the New York Times article at
#Trump #violence #criminals #Jan6 #police #LawandOrder #pardons
"Some of the police officers, including those who testified in January 6 cases, have said they fear for their safety now that the insurrectionists have been released. ...
Trump’s vengeance machine isn’t only about retribution. It’s also intended to intimidate Trump critics — force them to think twice before sounding any alarms, and chill public knowledge or debate about what Trump is doing."
#Trump #violence #criminals #Jan6 #police #LawandOrder #pardons
"Trump says they were not violent and did not have weapons — but the world saw their violence; they were also caught on video. Nearly 175 used dangerous or deadly weapons, according to prosecutors. ...
Now, courtesy of Trump, all these thugs are back on the street. Does anyone really think they will live out the rest of their lives peacefully?"
#Trump #violence #criminals #Jan6 #police #LawandOrder #pardons
"This is how the Trump vengeance machine works. Trump is the mob boss who keeps his hands clean while others do his dirty work.
Who else is likely to do Trump’s dirty work?
Trump has pardoned all the men who attacked the U.S. Capitol on his behalf on January 6, 2021."
~ Robert Reich
#Trump #violence #criminals #Jan6 #police #LawandOrder #pardons
"Even some close allies of Mr. Trump had opposed granting clemency to those rioters found guilty of violent crimes, especially the more than 600 who were convicted of assaulting or resisting police officers. Of those defendants, nearly 175 used a dangerous or deadly weapon, prosecutors say."
~ Alan Feuer and Dmitriy Khavin
#Trump #violence #criminals #Jan6 #police #LawandOrder #pardons
Mehdi Hasan interviews historian Heather Cox Richardson, asking her,
"What one thing perhaps stood out for you in all you've seen and heard him do since Monday? Heather's response: "What stood out to me is he doesn't seem to be fully on his pins."
"A lot of people voted for Trump with the understanding that he really wasn't going to do the things he said he wasn't going to do, that this was all window-dressing."
#Trump #HeatherCoxRichardson #Jan6 #pardons
Then, referring to his pardoning of the January 6 criminals, she adds,
"And now that he's actually doing them, I think the combination of the fact he is himself seemingly not at the top of his game and he's delivering things that many people expected would not happen is going to mean he’s going to face a lot of unrest a lot more quickly than a new administration usually does.”
As she says, it's easy to break things. Building them is not easy.
#Trump #pardons #PoliceOfficers involved in 2020 #murder of #unarmed #Black #man and subsequent #coverup.
No #reason for granting the #pardons was given, but we all know it's really because they #murdered an #unarmed #black #man.
"So when all was said and done, the only country that opened [its] prisons and sent crazy murderous criminals to prey upon innocent American citizens, was us."
~ Heather Thomas quoted by Heather Cox Richardson
#Trump #Republicans #crime #criminals #LawandOrder #police #Jan6 #insurrection #pardons
A Line-by-Line Breakdown of #Trump’s #BirthrightCitizenship Executive Order
Like a clogged sewer erupting into the streets, Donald Trump returned to office on Mon, &, as promised, unleashed his filth upon the country. In a flurry of #lawless, #unconstitutional, #racist, #bigoted, #violent, &, in some cases, plainly stupid #ExecutiveOrders & #pardons, Trump set his reign of #terror in motion. The future we feared has officially arrived.
#law #14thAmendment
"Trump’s pardons of insurrectionists, however, are unfortunately as close to self-enforcing as anything a president ever does. And it’s really the hallmark decision he made on Day One, putting him solidly on the side of treason to the Constitution that he had just sworn an oath to uphold. But it’s not just the pardons; many of his executive actions are simply lawless, from citizenship to TikTok and more."
~ Jonathan Bernstein
#Trump #pardons #Constitution
Question for experts on American law.
I am under the impression that part of accepting a pardon in the USA is that you have to admit to being guilty.
Does this mean that even despite their pardons for January 6, criminals will not be able to buy guns and have problems applying for jobs, entering other countries, etc?
From the groups’ statement:
"Allowing those convicted of these crimes to be released early diminishes #accountability & devalues the sacrifices made by courageous law enforcement officers & their families.”
"When perpetrators of crimes, especially serious crimes, are not held fully accountable, it sends a dangerous message that the consequences for attacking law enforcement are not severe, potentially emboldening others to commit similar acts of violence.”
Too late. #Trump said he was gonna do it & you endorsed him anyway.
#Trump's near-total #pardon of #Jan6 *rioters* was denounced by the #FraternalOrderOfPolice, the largest police union in the US, & the International Association of Chiefs of Police on Tues.
The groups said they're deeply discouraged by #pardons & #commutations made by both Biden & Trump of individuals convicted of killing or assaulting #law enforcement officers [false equivalency: Biden 1; Trump >1,550]