Well, time to get the ball rolling on the next phase of PEP 703 (getting rid of the global interpreter lock): https://discuss.python.org/t/pep-779-criteria-for-supported-status-for-free-threaded-python/84319
Really cool seeing #Python 3.13 using multiple CPU cores with using mere threads, thanks to PEP 703. #programming
heise+ | Python: Mit Minecraft spielerisch programmieren lernen
In Minecraft Education können Sie ganz einfach mit Python ein Villager-Dorf generieren. Wir zeigen, wie der Einstieg in Python gelingt.
#Cursor #IDE doesn't stop to amaze me. I had an old web scraper in #Python. It stopped working because the scraped website changed. I simply prompted that "it no longer finds the right data". No other details. It:
1. Run a few `curl` commands to analyze how the HTML looks now (!)
2. Adjusted CSS selectors (!!)
3. Run the program to figure out if it now works (it did!!!)
4. But Cursor didn't know that, so it added some print statements for himself, re-run and verify the output (!!!!)
#AI #DevEx
Just released version 1.9.1 of the slixmpp #python #xmpp library.
Release notes: https://blog.mathieui.net/slixmpp-1.9.1.html
Fiverr buyer red flags checklist
Freie Software in der Schule: Python im Physikunterricht
Python ermöglicht es in der Schule, mit wenig Vorwissen physikalische Probleme zu modellieren und gibt Schülerinnen und Schülern gleichzeitig einen guten ersten Einblick in Programmierung.
#Schule #Python #FediLZ #Physik #Anfänger #Linux
Performance of the Python 3.14 tail-call interpreter
Link: https://blog.nelhage.com/post/cpython-tail-call/
Discussion: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=43317592
I have an intense desire to just ‘know stuff’
Have you ever needed to understand how capillary action works and how it makes a fountain pen write?
(Then you totally get where I’m coming from)
This morning I was writing notes on #Python classes. I’ve come across the concept before, but never dived in or fully understood..until now!
The irony is I was writing in #HTML and #JavaScript the rest of the day, though my inky pen pals helped me with that, too! #fountainpen #coding #programming
A new year a renewed #introduction
I am Dude, associated with the movie but there the comparison ends.
An updated #Introduction for 2025:
I’m a dad, #cat whisperer, #computer nerd, occasional #gamer, and #movie lover. I’m a #quality minded #professional and I make my own #homebrew beer. #freebsd. Enthousiast I love #fitness #walking #programming in #python and #3Dprinting. Busy with #homeassistant and more.
Ik spreek voornamelijk Nederlands, Engels een beetje Duits.
The features of Python's help() function
Link: https://www.pythonmorsels.com/help-features/
Discussion: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=43266546
"I started using it yesterday so I'm an expert."
Heard at the Python Office Hours.
Yes #Python is a deeply unimpressive language, but in my experience it's tolerable for simple tasks as long as it's used correctly.
Most Python code out there is terrible because it's written by less experienced developers who don't read language and tool documentations and copy/paste what they find online (content itself written by junior developers), endlessly amplifying the problem.
This is the curse of languages perceived as easy for beginners.
heise+ | Python-Programmierung : Mit Pydantic nur noch die richtigen Typen verwenden
Python kennt keine Typendeklarationen, was schnell zu Fehlern führt – gerade wenn man im Team an einem Projekt arbeitet. Pydantic macht den Code robuster.
Machine Learning mit Python – KI und Deep Learning in 5 Sessions erklärt
Ab dem 09.04. lernen Sie in fünf Sessions künstliche Intelligenz zu entwickeln: Machine Learning, neuronale Netze und Deep Learning – alles effizient in Python.