So to summarize the Nashville child massacre Coverup:
>The MSM, the entertainment industry and left-liberal politicians incite a FtM tranny to murder 6 White Christians, including 3 children.
>Trannies and the LGBTP community blame the victims and sympathize with the child murderer.
>The child rapists over at the FBI conceal the evidence which proves that anti-White, anti-Christian bigotry motivated the terrorist attack, and blatantly lie about their motive for not releasing the trannyfesto.
>When a brave Whistleblower FINALLY leaks the manifesto and Steven Crowder publishes it, the MSM and the politicians attack the people exposing the truth, and the authorities want to persecute the whistleblower.
>Coordinated mass Censorship of the Trannyfesto
>Leftists and liberals, who will shamelessly exploit LITERALLY EVERY SINGLE MASS SHOOTNG to push for you to lose your right to self-defense, are crying about rightwingers "exploiting a tragedy".
>The MSM claims that the tranny killer was AKTHUALLY driven by homophobia when targeting straight White Christians, because she once used the word "faggot".
You don't hate leftists and liberals enough. You may think that you do, but you don't. These people want to see you and everyone you care about be brutally murdered, and will afterwards portray your murderer as the Victim, and blame White Privilege.
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