@LaughterintheRain Good point. @SweetIceTea @Phil @Bleukitty @h53pilot @Andre
@pamby1 @LaughterintheRain @SweetIceTea @Phil @Bleukitty @h53pilot @Andre I was a kid in the 70s, and most of us missed 2 weeks due to chicken pox, mumps and measles over the course of grades 1 thru 5.
@conservativechris @LaughterintheRain @SweetIceTea @Phil @Bleukitty @h53pilot @Andre Me too. I got chicken pox @ 5, before I started school.
My VA doctor keeps trying to talk me into the shingles vaccine. Nope.
Anyone else get that talking to?
@conservativechris @LaughterintheRain @SweetIceTea @Phil @Bleukitty @Andre
@h53pilot @conservativechris @LaughterintheRain @SweetIceTea @Phil @Bleukitty @Andre My dr has never mentioned that. I did get a tetanus shot about 2-3 yrs ago. Is shingles pretty common?
I even question the tetanus shot. Anyone ever hear of someone getting tetanus?
I've never seen anyone's jaws lock up on them.
@conservativechris @LaughterintheRain @SweetIceTea @Phil @Bleukitty @Andre
@h53pilot @pamby1 @conservativechris @LaughterintheRain @SweetIceTea @Phil @Bleukitty @Andre
I took a chunk of wire fence to the face and had to look into this. I bring a solid dose of skepticism, but it really did look like waiting for the bacterial infection to present put you in 20% death scenario, even with competent hospital care (and good luck finding that at this point). It's a vaccine with a long and solid safety record, so I went with it.
@vandys @h53pilot @conservativechris @LaughterintheRain @SweetIceTea @Phil @Bleukitty @Andre The older ones, with like you said a long track record?, I have no problem with either. We don't have to take any but tetanus because the rest are pretty much gone.