@watson @pamby1 @h53pilot @conservativechris @LaughterintheRain @SweetIceTea @Phil @Bleukitty @Andre @MMA
Girl, yes! And especially since there have been all those "mistakes" at Walgreens when people sign up for other shots, and somehow end up getting the covid jab!
If these were normal times -the parents who took their children to get the flu shot and instead the drug store gave the children adult Covid-19 shots- those parents should have won ownership of the drugstore chain in a court of law.
@watson @pamby1 @h53pilot @conservativechris @LaughterintheRain @Phil @Bleukitty @Andre
@SweetIceTea @watson @pamby1 @h53pilot @conservativechris @LaughterintheRain @Phil @Bleukitty @Andre @MMA
I'm still trying to understand the mentality of giving a child a flu shot, myself.
I'm with you there.
Did you see the chart that @pamby1 posted about vaccines children receive? So many of them are year, after year of getting the flu shot.
@watson @pamby1 @h53pilot @conservativechris @LaughterintheRain @Phil @Bleukitty @Andre
@SweetIceTea @pamby1 @watson @h53pilot @conservativechris @LaughterintheRain @Phil @Bleukitty @Andre @MMA
I think that's why my youngest is autistic. It hurts me and I start crying so I'm trying not to think about it too much right now.
@MMA God Bless you MMA. I pray that your pain is relieved by our heavenly Father. Many prayers for your son. @SweetIceTea @pamby1 @watson @h53pilot @conservativechris @LaughterintheRain @Phil @Bleukitty @Andre
@Liberty_Freedom @MMA @SweetIceTea @pamby1 @watson @h53pilot @conservativechris @LaughterintheRain @Phil @Bleukitty @Andre