My dad died of a massive heart attack in Radio City Music Hall lobby thirty four years ago today.
Trying to get tickets for the show, for my mom and my autistic brother Jim.
A brutally cold night in NYC that night.
That's when I learned, that night, LIFE goes ON.
May his memory be eternal
He raised ten children.
Eight boys two girls.
One girl is the oldest.
He worked his ass off his life only to die AT retirement age as a NYC civil service worker in the NY State Courts.
For the loy-yas a place called 'Special Term Part II'.
The Chief Court Clerk.
A very high position at the time.
Amazing what a legacy! I’m sure he’s so proud of you , as well!
My dad was awesome too as well as mom. He had success with 7 out of 8 kids which is still a great feat. The 60’s were brutal for 1 brother. @Horatio @LeaTXlrp
When you tell me of the memory of your parents?
Does this make adult baptism any more clear, or confusing?
IOW it sounds you were given a good Rudder to begin with?
But of course, any choice of yours, I support.
@Horatio @KodiakIsland @Kindly_ol_doc @LeaTXlrp
Item for my bucket list:
Dip in real river Jordan and get baptised again.
Wow! Wouldn’t we all. @Horatio @Kindly_ol_doc @LeaTXlrp
I had awesome parents and dad was not Catholic but he was very active in the Catholic school because he was a good dad. Mom was head of PTA for years and also active especially when the babies started school. I was blessed. All I can say is the Lord wants me to get baptized.
@Kindly_ol_doc @LeaTXlrp
I am THRILLED for your re-invention.
Have you thought about how you want to do this event in life?
I asked my granddaughter tonight if she wants to go to church with me Sunday. She said yes. I’ll take it from there….
@Kindly_ol_doc @LeaTXlrp
Just my opinion, my good friend.
IMHO you JUST were baptized, BY your grand daughter, WHEN she said yes I want to GO to church.
Think about it that ways.
I actually teared. That is beautiful. She is my love in this world. She and my daughter. I want us all to meet in heaven together along with our dear loved ones and all we can effect. This site is indeed special. Good night . There is just so much to ponder and pray. I’m getting overwhelmed. Thank you for overwhelming this student.
@Kindly_ol_doc @LeaTXlrp
@Horatio it's the only time we learn that life goes on. And it's just the most sobering and cruel experience you can have . I remember that, I'll always remember that.
Via death you mean?
I know your story and I will leave it at that.
Thanks bro.
@Horatio yeah via death and like your father , a guy who completed his work and was ready to be able to enjoy the time he finally had. I read what you wrote and I literally feel like I could understand nobody else any better then you felt that nite . It sucks but I always look at like we got something great for a little while and that's better than any old crap for an eternity .
"...a guy who completed his work..."
It's valid to think about it that way?
Like an engine that seize's.
Or freezes, up from a lack of oil or regular movement.
@Horatio no I think of it as chapters in a book that we as people try to fill the pages of, or maybe a timed test and when they call for pencils down, your work is complete. It's stupid but it was a rational / an idea that I grasped and clung to for clarity. In a time that as you Said the world goes on. It goes on as you realize you live in a world within the world and your world is on fire. With no help coming.
@Horatio @Greeklivesmatter1970
I believe, the family is keeping those tickets like a treasure.
@Horatio May his memory be forever blessed