KN95 masks supplied to lawmaker offices by the Office of the Attending Physician… are stamped “MADE IN CHINA”.
Some members aren’t happy.
The Capitol Attending physician recently ordered masks be upgraded to N95 or KN95’s bc of Omicron… they’re required on the House floor. One lawmaker tells me, “You have 435 Members of the US House wearing ‘Made in China’ stamped on their face.”
N95 Mask Prices Skyrocket As CDC Mulls New Recommendation For Omicron
N95 masks are skyrocketing in price as a result of a new potential recommendation by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
As a result, prices of these masks have surged at marketplaces like, a new Bloomberg report revealed.
40-pack KN95 masks is now about $79.99, up from $16.99 in late November. 50-pack of Kimberly-Clark N95 masks was priced at $57 compared to $23 in October.
ER provider here.
How can I get out of being forced to get a booster?
I was diagnosed with Covid two weeks ago (I’m double vaxxed with Moderna).
I had severe symptoms after second vaccine & do NOT want booster.
Thank you
If nations want to fix their economies and save lives of its citizens it is about time they remove all unscientific Covid restrictions and open up. Go back to business as usual.
Stop following Pharma and Media Cabal’s propaganda.
1) One of the things that made it really hard to believe school closures were sincerely based on health concerns was the way we treated daycare centers the complete opposite and just left them open and barely even mentioned those teachers health.
The class sizes are smaller but daycare teachers change diapers and wipe noses. Ours opened like 10 months earlier than the public schools and didn’t even mask the kids. No one seemed too concerned about it.
2) It also had zero windows. Our pandemic response the whole time has asked ppl to accept very bizarre contradictions almost w/o question
Elementary schools were so dangerous?
But daycares were fine?
We spent more than a year insisting (absurdly) both those things were true.
I think it’s easy to look past it if it doesn’t affect you very much but if you’re killing urself to help the govt realize this completely ridiculous double standard, it’s hard to shake your sense of cynicism about it all.
"They" love to claim that myocarditis was more prevalent BEFORE the vaccine rolled out than after. OK, so how do "they" explain this:
Federal testing website launches next week, 4 tests per home
The White House said the free COVID-19 tests, available through the COVIDTests dot gov website beginning next week, “will typically ship within 7-12 days of ordering."
Masks don't stop the spread. Vaccines don't stop the spread. Standing six feet away from people is pointless. Getting tested is pointless. Stay home if you're sick, but otherwise go live your life and behave as if you're healthy and sane.
Also, lift weights and lose weight. You'll feel better, live longer, and have less to worry about.
US Government to end daily COVID death reporting
A document issued issued Jan 6 by the US Health and Human Services tells hospitals they are no longer required to report daily COVID-19 deaths to the federal government starting Feb 2.
Story broken by @DataDrivenMD
2/2) The HHS document calling on hospitals to end COVID-19 death reporting was published the same day as former Biden advisors published an article in @JAMA_current calling for the US government to "retire" the reporting of deaths from #COVID19
1/2) SSM Health, a Catholic health system that operates 23 hospitals across Illinois, Missouri, Oklahoma, and Wisconsin, began using the scoring system last year to allocate scarce doses of Regeneron, the antibody cocktail that President Donald Trump credited for his recovery from COVID-19.
2/2) A patient must score at least 20 points to qualify for the drug. The rubric gives three points to patients with diabetes, one for obesity, one for asthma, and one for hypertension, for a total of six points. Identifying as "Non-White or Hispanic" race, on the other hand, nets a patient seven points, regardless of age or underlying conditions.
The nation’s largest collegiate sports organization, the National Collegiate Athletic Association, or NCAA, issued new guidance last week exempting student-athletes and coaching staff who have been infected with COVID-19 within 90 days from vaccination mandates. Student-athletes with COVID-19 infections are exempt from vaccine mandates.
different mask for different purpose
One of these is the most influential person in the world on public health policy. The other is "a threat to public health services."
GE suspends COVID-19 vaccine or test requirement after U.S. Supreme Court's ruling.
The first domino has fallen.
Atlas is correct! Safest employees in the workplace are the recovered. Countries have relied on this throughout the pandemic. Omicron brief immune booster solidifies back immunity against fading Delta. Most important healthcare worker checkbox is "recovered" vs "susceptible"
There was never any evidence to justify children being made to wear face masks. The Govt knew that but they made our children do it anyway.
Wrong, unnecessary, unscientific, immoral and unforgivable. Also, note @TheSun @kateferguson4, the official reason given for school face masks was NOT to protect the NHS but to keep children in school.
Kids wearing masks in classrooms doesn't do anything to achieve either. They were brought in to appease militant teaching unions.
very close explanation of the official story
Oregon OSHA won’t adopt its own employer vaccine rule after Supreme Court blocks Biden’s
Jan. 14, 2022
Little man had to be taken to ER for an assessment since he is having some premature complications.
Hospital refused to let me in being unvaxd.
1) my husband is vaxd and was allowed in with our son.
I was allowed in to deliver last week being unvaxd.
2) but two floors down on the the ER you have to be fully vaxxed??
3) they let my husband and a PREEMIE baby sit in a packed ER full of sick people.
Wouldn't give them a space away from everyone.
If you are unvaccinated, 55% of Democrats want to fine you, 59% want you confined to your home, 48% want you fined or imprisoned for questioning vaccine efficacy, 45% want you forced into "designated facilities," 46% want you digitally tracked, and 29% want to take your children.
Folks, the disease we're dealing with here is much worse than Covid-19.
Sick poll results: 59% of Democrats favor house arrest of unvaccinated citizens; 45% support confining them in camps; 29% back taking their children away; 48% back fining or imprisoning people who publicly question on social media.
That’s the same demographic that’s OK with politicizing the FBI, weakening the legislative branch by eliminating the filibuster, and packing the Supreme Court to politicize it. They seek to build a one-party state.
Dr. Zelenko "The COVID-19 Vaccines Cause AIDS!" + Exposing "The Great Reset" Agenda
Dr. Zelenko | Exposing "The Great Reset" Plan to Enslave Humanity Through Transhumanism, Human A.I. Symbiosis & Nano-Tech
Connect the Dots, Follow the Timeline, See the Patents and Learn the Truth About the Great Reset / Fourth Industrial Revolution / Rockefeller Plan Today At:
Learn More About Dr. Zelenko at
What Is Inside the COVID-19 Vaccines?
The Definition of AIDS: Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
A disease in which there is a severe loss of the body's cellular immunity, greatly lowering the resistance to infection and malignancy.
if my eyeballs roll any harder, they'd be stuck up at the cranium
"Sooo OSHA regulations should extend past the workplace? This is idiotic. People, hold on to your individual liberty as much as you can!"
15 Worst Covid Lies That are Now Completely Exposed for All the World to See
Two years ago: While Chinese vice premier is at White House signing a trade deal, CCP says that the virus is not transmissible among humans. #MakeChinaPay
Two years ago: CCP officials in Wuhan proclaim the health crisis is over & encourage Chinese New Year traveling. Chinese regime promoted travel of hundreds of millions over previous month. #MakeChinaPay
2 years ago: The first known carrier of the virus to the United States arrives on a flight from Wuhan. At this time, CCP leadership knows about the pandemic danger but keeps it secret from the world. #MakeChinaPay
"[T]here appears to be no discernable relationship between percentage of population fully vaccinated and new COVID-19 cases... countries with higher percentage of population fully vaccinated have higher COVID-19 cases per 1 million people." (Harvard) Study:
Two years ago: CDC inadvertently reveals that it takes its lead from China.
In a statement on screening flights to US from Wuhan, CDC says: "Based on current information, the risk from 2019-nCoV to the American public is currently deemed to be low."
DC's proof-of-vaccination mandate requires most businesses to check customers' vaccine status and personal ID. It exempts food markets, museums, and churches (as well as bldgs that house law firms, lobbyists, registered foreign agents, cash providers to politicians, etc.).
DC @MayorBowser would like to impose electronic CCP-style internal passports, "but officials often cited DC’s interjurisdictional nature as a challenge to creating such a system."
World's 10 richest men doubled their wealth from $700 billion to $1.5 trillion during the pandemic, according to a new Oxfam report.
"We have 'disinformation' that is entirely destructive to a comprehensive public health endeavor," says fauci at klaus schwab's WEF virtual summit.
I really don’t get why the CDC takes the time to traumatize parents like this.
No other country goes to the lengths to make wild claims like the US and they actually take the time to contextualize statistics.
why good people obey harmful mandates
the comments make me think these ppl still believe getting the vax immunize them from getting the virus
190 posts thread re overview of Snake Oil, How xi jinping Shut Down the World
In Aug 2021, Gates called for “all countries” to be “more like Australia”; parts of Australia were then at 200 days in strict lockdown with COVID cases at all-time highs. Gates went on: “Flu and common cold…we can build tools that, over time, can get rid of those as well.” 160/
The Pandemic is demonstrating that whole swathes of our population are riddled with a sort of existential anxiety and desperate, agonising fear of death and infection and "uncleanliness."
The pandemic has triggered people's most primal, irrational impulses, and as they have no coherent spiritual or metaphysical system to fall back on, they find their only comfort in a wildly neurotic safetyism that left behind any semblance of reason a long time ago
Four red states, Texas, Arizona, Idaho and Utah, recover all the jobs they lost at the start of Covid-19 pandemic
Man Suffers "Agonizing" Penile Blood Clot Caused By COVID
Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) will hold a panel discussion on Jan 24th w/ Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr Robert Malone, Dr Ryan Cole, Dr Pierre Kory and more.
Sen. Johnson has also extended an invitation to Walensky, Fauci, and the CEO’s of Pfizer and Moderna
Two years ago this week, the Chinese Communist Party was running the world's largest super-spreader event.
While lying about the Wuhan Virus and repressing truth-tellers, it was encouraging the mass movement of 400,000,000 people across China and abroad.
All of this stupidity is just so Schumer doesn't risk a primary opponent getting to his left.
This is the real life Dr. Evil behind the COVID Grift and just about every other nefarious plan/policy effecting the world right now
Fauci Lied to Congress: "during 2020, you recall, if you were a bartender or a barber, you couldn’t make a living. But Dr. Fauci managed to squeak together almost $2 million, and a significant amount of these investments are investments in China and Hong Kong"
They told you they were safe
They told you they were effective
Then, after millions of doses they told you:
Moderna - Myocarditis
J&J - Blood Clots
AstraZeneca - VITT
It's funny watching some people who aggressively promoted lockdowns, restrictions, and mandates for 2 years trying to pre-emptively get on the 'right side' of the issue now.
They caused all of these problems with their stupid ideas and emotional, cowardly behaviour, and demonised everyone who stood for liberty from early... now they are pretending to be 'enlightened' and that they were always on the other side.
Fakers, liars, and cowards.
<< now would be a good time to wake some people up. death by jabs ruled suicide >>
Life insurer refuses to cover vaccine death
An explosive case is currently being hotly debated on social media: In France, a rich, older entrepreneur from Paris is said to have died as a result of a Corona injection. Previously, he had taken out multi-million dollar life insurance policies for the benefit of his children and grandchildren, according to a media report.
Wow! A govt doctor admits vaccine passports useless and shutting down schools a mistake. Will fauci ever admit he was wrong?
This is what an accurate headline looks like for context.
The CDC Dir said that they reduced the number of days to quarantine from 14 to 5 "bc ppl could not tolerate" it.
They will push you as much as you allow them. They will continue as long as you tolerate their lies and as long as you comply!
Listen to her words!
Regardless of CNN pushing for her to say that the CDC decisions are “science” based, she makes it clear that this decision was based on how intolerable this has become & that ppl do not comply.
They push you as much as you allow them.
fauci re vaccine trials safety
video clip
They think getting vaxxed gives them class. And intelligence.
im probably an odd ball out.... i don't want to be any part of that "class"
That'll will be great!
@watson while Democrat stooges like Nancy Pelosi were encouraging everyone to head out to Chinatown and hug as many people as they could.
This will leave a mark.
I tested positive for Covid between Christmas and New Year.
Fully expecting to have to avoid co-workers for 14 days, I was told "no, the CDC now says 5 days".
I reminded the person I was talking to that almost two years ago I was adamant that it was a scam and she just admitted it.
I now pretty much have carte blanche.
Billy Ocean...awesome