@watson @pamby1 @h53pilot @conservativechris @LaughterintheRain @SweetIceTea @Phil @Bleukitty @Andre @MMA
Girl, yes! And especially since there have been all those "mistakes" at Walgreens when people sign up for other shots, and somehow end up getting the covid jab!
If these were normal times -the parents who took their children to get the flu shot and instead the drug store gave the children adult Covid-19 shots- those parents should have won ownership of the drugstore chain in a court of law.
@watson @pamby1 @h53pilot @conservativechris @LaughterintheRain @Phil @Bleukitty @Andre
@SweetIceTea @watson @pamby1 @h53pilot @conservativechris @LaughterintheRain @Phil @Bleukitty @Andre @MMA
I'm still trying to understand the mentality of giving a child a flu shot, myself.
I'm with you there.
Did you see the chart that @pamby1 posted about vaccines children receive? So many of them are year, after year of getting the flu shot.
@watson @pamby1 @h53pilot @conservativechris @LaughterintheRain @Phil @Bleukitty @Andre
@SweetIceTea @pamby1 @watson @h53pilot @conservativechris @LaughterintheRain @Phil @Bleukitty @Andre @MMA
I think that's why my youngest is autistic. It hurts me and I start crying so I'm trying not to think about it too much right now.
THREAD (rant)
I KNOW that's why my 4th son has autism!! There is NO ONE who will EVER convince me otherwise! You do NOT get born just fine till you are 15 months old and then all of a sudden the very day you get the MMR or whatever jab become autistic & "experts" tell you "that's just when autism presents itself". NO FKG WAY! SOMETHING HAS TO HAPPEN TO CAUSE IT! (regressive autism)
@SweetIceTea @pamby1 @watson @h53pilot @conservativechris @LaughterintheRain @Phil @Bleukitty @Andre
I'm really not sure about that.
I have two children. Both were diagnosed on the autistic spectrum.
We moved countries when one was little, the second was born abroad.
We weren't organized enough with his vaccine schedule. So he didn't get that at all, and still became autistic.
These things DO show up suddenly. I talked to enough people about my kids to know that.
@MMA @SweetIceTea @pamby1 @watson @h53pilot @conservativechris @LaughterintheRain @Phil @Bleukitty @Andre
@Lumuz I'm so sorry to hear that! I hope they're doing well!
I respectfully disagree. In my son's case, I do know. I watched it happen. My son's onset of autism correlated with the MMR 100%!
@MMA @SweetIceTea @pamby1 @watson @h53pilot @conservativechris @LaughterintheRain @Phil @Bleukitty @Andre
To me, with autism, it makes no sense at all that anything would just "suddenly" show up without something causing it. Kids get jabbed with so many vaccines. Too many! Need spread out and split up and some they do not need at all. I know a great number of parents who concur.
@MMA @SweetIceTea @pamby1 @watson @h53pilot @conservativechris @LaughterintheRain @Phil @Bleukitty @Andre
@KarePatriot @Lumuz @MMA @SweetIceTea @pamby1 @watson @h53pilot @conservativechris @LaughterintheRain @Phil @Bleukitty @Andre I agree. My youngest grandson had a hard birth, but I was there, and he responded normally. I convinced his mother to avoid the mass shots, but her pediatrician threatened her into letting him give them. He insinuated that he would report her to CPS. Nathan had a high fever that night, and when he hit three I recognized Autism. It may be genetic plus the shots.
The propensity can we exactly that, as we are seeing this with the latest jabs. An awakening in sleeping/dormant issues arise connected to our DNA.
@KarePatriot @Lumuz @MMA @SweetIceTea @pamby1 @watson @h53pilot @conservativechris @LaughterintheRain @Phil @Andre
@Bleukitty True. I agree. I have 5 sons. All had the same vaxxes. 1/4 got autism, so certain people have the propensity of being damaged by them and some don't.
@DianaSez @Lumuz @MMA @SweetIceTea @pamby1 @watson @h53pilot @conservativechris @LaughterintheRain @Phil @Andre
IMO The govt run schedule is entirely too many jabs! Should be split up, lessen how many they get at once. Some are not necessary at all. I do NOT trust the govt in the least! They lie to us constantly! They do not care about us! - JUST LOOK AT HOW INEPTLY THEY'VE RUN THE #Plandemic.).
@DianaSez @Lumuz @MMA @SweetIceTea @pamby1 @watson @h53pilot @conservativechris @LaughterintheRain @Phil @Andre
To each his own. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. I formed mine by what I've lived and seen and experienced with my own eyes!
@DianaSez @Lumuz @MMA @SweetIceTea @pamby1 @watson @h53pilot @conservativechris @LaughterintheRain @Phil @Andre
Yes, of course, to each their own opinion.
But the numbers in the table don't say anything. We all saw how people knowledge about autism expanded over the years. Many things that weren't diagnosed as autism before are done so now (in many cases justifiably).
The food is more industrialized, and there are many more factors.
I see no specifica relation to the vax.
@Bleukitty @DianaSez @MMA @SweetIceTea @pamby1 @watson @h53pilot @conservativechris @LaughterintheRain @Phil @Andre
@Lumuz I have all the proof I need under my roof. Autism boomed after uptick in vaxxes. Sure there are many other damaging things that contribute, but for us and for my grandson, it correlated with their vaxxes. I'm not a scientist nor a specialist but I am a mom and a grandma and I saw it happen in real time.
@Bleukitty @DianaSez @MMA @SweetIceTea @pamby1 @watson @h53pilot @conservativechris @LaughterintheRain @Phil @Andre
@KarePatriot @Lumuz @Bleukitty @DianaSez @MMA @SweetIceTea @pamby1 @watson @h53pilot @conservativechris @LaughterintheRain @Phil @Andre I can’t say how grateful i am for my wife being suspect. We spaced all the vaccines on the schedule so there were never too many at once. We were treated like idiots by doctors.
@Kevmo @KarePatriot @Lumuz @Bleukitty @DianaSez @MMA @SweetIceTea @pamby1 @watson @h53pilot @conservativechris @LaughterintheRain @Phil @Andre
I did the same. Insisted that the vaccines be given one at a time and spaced them out. I, too, was fringe. But, I slept well at night.